Monday, September 30, 2019
Cause and Effect of Social Media Essay
The 21st century is defined by its obsession and advancements in technology, the younger generation in particular. Technology plays as a key factor in most lives, social media especially. Among the most popular of social media are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, all with the main purpose to share or view personal information and experiences, communicate with others and meet new people on social or professional grounds. There are several positives and negatives effects associated with social media, making it a topic of debate whether it is creating more good or harm for today’s society. see more:positive and negative effects of social media We use technology as the number one means of communication, and social media has made communicating with each other even easier. We have the ability to stay linked to the world and available at all times with a simple email, text message or social media post. Because most of our conversations are through a tablet, cellphone or computer, face to face interaction is decreasing. More and more people are isolating themselves and losing the ability or desire to interact with real people in real life. It is becoming easier to go through life with less personal confrontations and conversations. This is a problem because we are social creatures and as human beings, that face to face, in person interaction is necessary. One of the main reasons social media was created was to link up with old friends near and far. In present day times we also use social media to form connections with new people. Through the use of forums and specialized pages on Facebook, you can connect with people who have interests similar to your own that you would not necessarily meet in real life and business connections also. Many people go on to build real friendships and even relationships with people they have met on social media. Only negative to this is that you never really know who you are talking to. Someone can claim to be one person, but in reality are lying to you about their identity the whole time. This has become such a common practice that the term â€Å"catfish†was created. A catfish is a person who invents a persona, or impersonates a person online through social media. There have been situations where people have been lured to meet up with who they’d consider a friend under false pretenses. Getting catfished can put one in a dangerous situation. Facebook, twitter and instagram are all methods used to share your life with others. You’re able to post pictures and type statuses to inform your friends, followers, etc., what you have been up to and how you have been living your life. Adults usually post pictures and statuses focusing on their family, trips and special events in their lives, while the younger generation takes social media a lot more serious. Every moment of their lives are put out there for the world to see, sometimes without the realization. Teenagers on social media are always trying to impress and one up each other. They sometimes post inappropriate material to try to look as cool as possible without realizing that ultimately employers, teachers, parents, law enforcement and strangers all have the ability to see. The problem is once something is on the internet it is there forever, and if caught you can find yourself in major trouble. Often when we’re bored we turn to social media for entertainment. We can check up on family friends or see what the hottest celebrity is up to. Then before we know it, our simple amusement becomes a huge distraction. The amount of people we can connect with on social media is endless and they are all so unique, we can spend an infinite amount of time browsing social media without getting bored. Many people have become addicted to social media and find themselves online way more often than they should. This creates a problem when it comes time to do schoolwork and study and even in the office for some. When trying to tackle tedious tasks, it is easy to get distracted and venture onto Facebook, twitter or Instagram. You may not have the intention to stay on for long, but before you know it hours have passed and no work has gotten done. For social media junkies they may have to turn off their phone and block these websites to focus all their attention on the task at hand and get anything done at all. Endless positive and negative effects of social media affect our society today. On one hand social media creates an easy way to communicate with one another, connect with people on a social and business level, share our lives with others and entertain us when we need it. While on the other hand social media comes with the possibility of causing isolation in many situations, putting ourselves in danger when we don’t know who we’re talking to, causing trouble for ourselves and distracting us from school and work related tasks. Every person who uses social media needs to set limits for themselves to ensure their experience is much more positive than negative. Once that is completed social media can be used as a tool to do great things.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
National V State Curriculum Essay
The issue of state vs. National curriculum has been raging for many years now with the Australian national government trying to force a national curriculum on all states and territories. However for this work all states and territories must agree on the curriculum and with so many different ways of teaching and how students have been taught in the past it was always going to be a difficult assignment. New South Wales, the leaders is assessments and with what they believe is a superior curriculum, have been the main fighters of the curriculum. New South Wales believe a national curriculum could work based around parts of their own curriculum as well as improvements in teaching development, management and mentoring. The implementation of an Australian national curriculum will mean huge changes to not only the New South Wales educational system but the educational systems of all states and territories. This will also mean a change in the New South Wales syllabus in order to make it fit with the national curriculum. As well as this it will not only will this impact on the education systems within Australia but will also mean a new requirement for teachers to teach at the level required to allow a national curriculum to work. New South Wales believe that the federal government is trying to lower the standard of education across the state in order to fit with the national curriculum. The New South Wales has long fought for the curriculum to be upgraded to fit with their syllabus so that when the nation does get brought to a certain level that level it is brought to is a high level of education giving everyone an opportunity at a better future as a whole. Not all the education departments agree or want the changes that will be brought in by a national curriculum. The New South Wales educational department are the main fighters of the implementation of the national curriculum. New South Wales believe the state curriculum they have in place alongside the HSC is more than adequate enough to suffice as a national curriculum for all states and territories. The development of the new national curriculum will mean changes to the New South Wales syllabus. This includes the introduction of mechanics back into the syllabus as well as the introduction of plants into the reproductive part of the syllabus. The latest version of the national curriculum from the Australian curriculum website shows step by step how the national curriculum looks to improve the standard of scientific knowledge taught across the country. It goes in depth to show how from year 1 right through to year 10 they will be building on skills learnt from previous years of science education. The latest version of the curriculum then goes on to tell of the more in depth science will be taught from years 7-10. This curriculum is able to show how the nation will be brought to the same standard of science knowledge through primary and secondary education. As well as this the Department of Education in the draft national curriculum for science (ACARA 2009) argue that although there will be new areas of study the curriculum will be more flexible for teachers allowing them to better teach the science curriculum. The draft curriculum also outlines 8 forms of considerations that will hopefully close the gap between indigenous, foreign and disadvantaged students. These considerations include Equity and Opportunity, Connections to other learning areas, Clarity of the curriculum, Breadth and depth of study, The role of digital technologies, The nature of the leaner (K-12), General capabilities and Cross-curriculum perspectives. The Department of Education are hoping that this will bring all students, schools and teachers up to a certain standard that this national curriculum will hopefully bring in. Bringing the students, schools and teachers up to a national standard will also hopefully make it easier for teachers to educate the students on topics and allow a bit more flexibility for the teachers in the classroom. The Australian national curriculum will also impact on the science pedagogy. Aubusson (Australian Journal of Education, 2011) believes that the curriculum will force one of two pedagogical situations. Aubusson believes the pedagogy will change to a standardising pedagogy or a pedagogy that will allow teachers to interpret the curriculum and teach it to their students in a way they will understand best. The standardising pedagogy could potentially lead to teachers being unable to form a connection with their students which could in turn cause students to become uninterested in the topics. This could potentially lead to a large amount of students failing the course. However a pedagogy which allows teachers to interpret the curriculum so they know which way will be the best to teach their students will allow connections to be formed, students to remain interested and engaged in their education and will lead to an increase in examination marks. This brings me to the teacher development issue with the national curriculum. Many teachers and education professionals in New South Wales oppose the change is due to the drastic development teachers will need to go through to allow the national changes to work. As sourced from the article ‘Mentors Reporting on Their Own Mentoring Practices’ (P. Hudson 2010) Hudson refers to his own personal experience of the failure of the last national curriculum. Hudson was a New South Wales school principal at the time tells of how he believes the failure can be partly blamed on the lack of development training offered to the teachers to allow them to teach the nation curriculum. New South Wales teachers and other teaching professionals believe that all Australian teachers need to go through development so that they are able to recognise the ways in which their students learn the best, this will enhance the students learning environment and allow them to work better as individuals and as a group. Teachers across Australia need to be able to understand and recognise the VARK learning system. The VARK learning system basically just asks the question of how students learn best. Whether they are, V – visual learners, A – auditory learners, R – reading and writing learners, or K – kinaesthetic learners. As well as being able to recognise this VARK concept and implement it in the classroom teachers will also need to be able to recognise when things aren’t going to plan so they can improve their own teaching skills and the learning environment of the student. This will require constant reflection on the teachers on behalf, they must regularly reflect on how the lessons have gone. Doing this will not only help the teacher improve of their work and how they teach the curriculum but it will also help their students better understand the knowledge put before them. This means that teacher development is a must for the national curriculum to succeed for a long period of time. New South Wales are leading the way with teacher development, understanding and practices for the national curriculum rollout. The Minister for Education Mr Piccoli has stated in the past the NSW government is allowing their schools time to adjust to the changes the new curriculum will bring is. The government for NSW is delaying the implementation of the curriculum to give NSW schools and teachers time to prepare for these changes as well as time to implement the preparations. On August 9, 2011 Mr Piccoli stated that the national curriculum will not be rolled out across NSW schools until 2014 with the preparation and planning for the national curriculum to commence around 2013. Management is a key actor in the success of the national curriculum. For the curriculum to work steps must be put in place to manage the introduction of the curriculum as well as the up keep of the curriculum changes. Early teacher or Preservice teachers will be benefitted by the fact that most of them will be starting their full time jobs around the same time the curriculum is rolled out allowing them to focus on the new curriculum and what needs to be done. However the older teachers might struggle at times to recognise where change is needed from the old curriculum to new, this is where the management side of things comes into play. As cited from the mentors report (Hudson, 2010) teachers must help and mentor each other. There will be this area of overlap where the preservice teachers will be able to help the older teachers understand the changes from the old to new curriculum whilst the older teachers are able to help the preservice teachers in understanding the way in which the classroom works and how to better understand how their students work. This management and mentoring role comes from within the staffroom of the school and head teachers and principals must work together to achieve this mentoring and management role. Another key way for this mentoring idea to work is for teachers to give feedback on each other to help them improve. Hudson believes a method of understanding personal attributes, system requirements, pedagogical knowledge and modelling are all helpful in giving and/or receiving feedback. If colleagues are able to give and receive positive and critical feedback well the standard of teaching will only improve. With the standard of teaching improving the curriculum will get taught better to students which will in turn mean an increase in examination marks causing the national curriculum to work and to stick. With a new curriculum coming into place new resources will be needed for teachers to educate their students whilst still keeping them engaged in the lesson. Not only will some new resources be needed but some of the older teacher’s resources could be irrelevant. This is where that teacher development will come into play again; teachers will need to recognise where new resources are needed, where older resources aren’t needed and where some are still relevant. Again this will require all the teachers to come together and help one and other with this dilemma and help share resources in order to give each student the same learning experience. However new sources will be readily available to teachers with many websites out there having new up to date information to show the children. There are also many sites out there with activities the teacher can do online with the class to keep them engage, there are also videos out there that contain the information required for the national curriculum to show the students as well. So although new resources will be needed there are still many places teachers can find resources to keep their students engaged. As a first year university student studying teaching in the New South Wales education system I believe a national curriculum is vital for the future education of our next generation. However I do believe New South Wales were right to fight for the curriculum to be brought up to their standard because if we are going to have every student at the same level of education it should be at the highest level possible to give every student the best opportunity possible to have a successful life after school. The national curriculum will work throughout the country as long as teacher development is put in place as well. Teachers need time to develop and adjust their own teaching techniques so they can best teach this new curriculum to their students. Teachers in all schools will need to work together for this national curriculum to succeed in our schools to give the next generation of young Australians the best chance at success.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Community Corrections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Community Corrections - Essay Example The National Institute of Justice created and funded a program and devised a multi-year and multi-site federal effort; The Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative. This initiative was created in confidence of improving reentry outcomes and evaluating this with five factors; criminal justice, employment, education, health, and housing. The program initially began in 2003, allowing the national Institute of Justice to track the success of the program (National Institute of Justice, 2012) Sixteen programs were divided among 14 states and included 12 adult and 4 juvenile facilities. The purpose of the program was not starting a new program but to increase funding and resources available to existing programs. Partnerships were formed between supervision agencies, correction agencies, state and local level agencies and any faith based agency’s that have approved programs with the Department of Corrections. Participants were each considered a violent offender, each below the age of 35, and represented all three stages of reentry; in prison, post release with supervision and post-supervision. The evaluation of this program sought to define how and if the program could lead to more integrated services among agencies, to what extent were participants in this program receiving services as compared to those who were not in the program and did the outcomes and benefits far exceed the cost of the program (Lattimore, & Steffey, 2009, p Es-5). In February of 2012 a final report was released with the findings of this study and recommendations for this community corrections program and initiative. Prisoner Reentry Services The program focused on 12 different reentry factors that were identified as crucial pre-release. These factors were known to be contributive to the success of the offender once released. The offender should have a case manager, who has assessed his /her needs, a reentry plan; the offender should have completed some programs while incarcerated; d id the offender attempt or successfully achieve this? Were life skills evaluated and any life skills education courses taken or available, did the offender take part in any prerelease employment services, mental health treatment or substance abuse treatment should have been available and provided to the offender, were personal relationship skills developed during incarceration?, Attitude counseling related to criminal thinking and behavior provided, were anger management programs utilized, and was the offender able to receive a GED or other education during incarceration (Lattimore, Barrick, Cowell, Dawes, Steffey, Tueller, & Visher, 2012, p Es-2). Those who participated in the program had longer times between arrests and fewer arrests after release from the program across all demographics. Those services associated with a longer time period before being arrested again were personal relationship counseling, criminal thinking and behavioral counseling, anger management and a solid re entry plan. These conclusions maintain the popular theory that personal development and programs that promote individual change may be more useful and successful than those which promote practical skills. This was true of female, males and juvenile offenders. Needs assessments and evaluations, reentry plans and participation in a reentry program, employment counseling, and criminal attitude and thinking counseling had no affects in any of the three groups on
Friday, September 27, 2019
Explain the Rise and Fall of Keynesianism Essay
Explain the Rise and Fall of Keynesianism - Essay Example According to the essay "Rise and fall of Keynesianism" findings, Keynesianism suggests that often private sector decisions cause inverse macroeconomic outcomes and hence it is suggestible for the public sector to deliver active policy responses which mainly include central bank’s monetary policy actions and government’s fiscal policy actions. Keynes argues that these activities would assist the economic sector to stabilize output over the business cycle. Although Keynesian theory can be stated thus in simple terms, it comprises larger ideas. To illustrate, Keynesianism has a close similarity with the concept of ‘General Glut’ proposed by classical economists. However, it is identified that classical economists had the disagreement regarding the conditions of the general glut as some of them believed in Say’s law â€Å"supply creates its own demand†(Best, n.d.). In contrast, Keynes argues that insufficiency in aggregate demand for goods can be featured as the direct cause of general glut which would lead to economic decline and subsequent unemployment difficulties. In this situation, Keynesianism recommends (as cited in Blinder) that thoughtful governmental policies can easily overcome such crises if these policies are effectively employed to increase the aggregate demand. This, in turn, would mitigate the adverse impacts of unemployment and deflation. Similarly, Keynesian economics brings some theoretical basis for a crucial distinction between involuntary unemployment and voluntary unemployment. ... This in turn would mitigate the adverse impacts of unemployment and deflation. Similarly, Keynesian economics brings some theoretical basis for a crucial distinction between involuntary unemployment and voluntary unemployment. From the Keynesian point of view (as cited in Knoop, 2010, p.40), the individuals who seek jobs at the existing wage rates can be grouped into involuntary unemployed. Corry (n.d.) reflects that Keynes’ innovative concepts produced some revolutionary changes in the economic sector since the traditional economists believed that unemployment was resulted from certain labour market rigidities such as ‘excessive wage claim, trade union activities, and unemployment pay’ (ibid). According to Keynesianism, the increasing unemployment rate can be directly attributed to the failure in total spending caused by the inefficient business decisions of private firms. Therefore, it is obvious that government has to play a crucial role in formulating efficien t growth policies which would facilitate sustainable economic growth of the country. In short, Keynesian economics constitutes a demand based economy (Reference for Business). Limitations The Keynesian economics gave greater emphasis on employees’ wage rates without considering the profitability of the firm. Although, it had aided the nation to ensure employee welfare, the constancy of this system was always subject to change. For instance, sometimes, international competition adversely affected the capital requirements and public expenditure of the nation. In such difficult situations, the government failed to meet adequate funds for wage distribution. As
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Quality of life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Quality of life - Essay Example Most medical decisions, however, fall somewhere in between these boundaries. Reflections on these decisions were articulated in the language of ordinary and extraordinary means. The expression "quality of life" has been used by the proponents of practices such as abortion, assisted suicide, and euthanasia; indeed "quality of life" has become a rallying slogan for those who favor such practices. There is an understandable tendency in some of these Episcopal statements to avoid any public formulation that might suggest endorsement of that kind of quality - of - life ethic. In the public context, these bishops tend to speak in language that portrays life as an absolute good and to eschew language about the quality of life. Such statements sometimes convey the impression that the distinction between ordinary and extraordinary means can be worked out in fairly objective terms (e.g. benefits of treatment, the proximity of a patient to death). In fact the language of benefit vs. burden ratio or proportionate vs. disproportionate treatment lends itself to images of a mathematical measurement. But this does not retain all the nuances of traditional teaching. While t here are objective elements, such as whether or not a treatment is available or will be physiologically useful, the history of the distinction between ordinary and extraordinary means makes it clear that its deployment turns on the prudent judgment of the patient with the help of family and physician. The patient is the one who weighs risks, burdens, and benefits in light of a treatment's probable impact. The distinction depends upon the patient's quality - of - life judgments. The Pennsylvania bishops' statement on nutrition and hydration illustrates the tendency both to objectify the judgment about ordinary and extraordinary means and to misrepresent traditional teaching. For example, the bishops write that "the patient in the persistent vegetative state is not imminently terminal (provided that there is no other pathology present). The feeding--regardless of whether it be considered as treatment or as care--is serving a life -sustaining purpose. Therefore, it remains an ordinary means of sustaining life and should be continued." The bishops of the Maryland Catholic Conference also wrote that "[a] medical treatment should not be deemed useless, however, because it fails to achieve some goal beyond what should be expected." For them, medically assisted feeding and hydration is useful as long as the patient is capable of absorbing the nutrients delivered by the treatment. These kinds of statements reflect an erosion of the distinction between ordinary and extraordinary means. There are a number of ways in which the traditional teaching is being lost. First, it should be noted that the distinction between ordinary and extraordinary means traditionally has not been limited only to those patients who were considered to be terminal. In creating such a restriction the bishops are being quite innovative in their interpretation of the distinction. Pope John Paul II seems to limit the distinction's application to those who are close to death; in Evangelium vitae he distinguishes euthanasia from withdrawing aggressive treatment and, in so doing, appears to limit the dis
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
School Calendar Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
School Calendar Change - Essay Example Teachers have raised concerns over the effects of long vacations, claiming that the time taken by students during vacation makes them forget what they had learned. As a result, reviewing the previous year material takes a significant amount of time, which, according to the educators, affects the curriculum. Cooper ((â€Å"Summer Learning Loss†) argues that summer vacation mostly affected mathematics and spelling subjects. This is because more accurate information is required from the two subjects as compared to the other tested skill subjects. Cooper goes on to defend his argument by stating that students are more likely to practice reading than performing mathematical calculations on their own. Another major effect of long summer holidays, as noted by Cooper (â€Å"The Effects of Summer Vacation†), relates to students with disabilities. The students require continuous study or instruction period to be able to understand better. The summer programs ought to help the disadvantaged students notably by ensuring that their studies are never interrupted for long. Students who speak languages other than English have also been affected by the calendar, because catching up after the long summer holidays is difficult. Cooper also notes that the scores of students are lower after the long summer vacations, the loss being equated to one month according to past studies. According to Cooper (â€Å"The Effects of Summer Vacation†), a new study program will help solve all the concerns raised by the old calendar. When short holidays are spread out across the year, they better serve the intended purpose. Considering all the above arguments, it can be stated that our school district has to adopt the new
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
History of the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
History of the United States - Essay Example Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction offered pardon to southern whites who took an oath of allegiance to the U.S. and accepted the abolition of slavery. Significantly, the Reconstruction period from 1865 to 1877 witnessed hostilities between the North and South and President Andrew Johnson was assassinated over the issue of reconstruction policy. "However, Radical Republicans in Congress wanted to punish the South for seceding from the Union. These two factions argued over Reconstruction policies and created further ill will between the North and South. Racism in the South also prevented the newly freed slaves from achieving equality in the political, economic, and social arenas of American life." (United States History to 1877) Therefore, Reconstruction in the United States which attempted to give meaning to the freedom that the former slaves had achieved was a long process which lasted from 1865 to 1877 and this paper makes a profound analysis of the reconstruction policies of Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and the Radical Republicans. Abraham Lincoln made a vital step towards Reconstruction in the United States when he maintained that the freed slaves in the nation should be granted the rights of the American citizens instead of being urged to leave the country. The reconstruction process of President Lincoln gained the support of his loyal and reconstructed Unionists and this was an essential factor in the success of his policies. According to the reconstruction process of President Lincoln, the national government exerted an unprecedented amount of power to free the salves and guarantee their equal rights as free citizens. "That is why the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution contained clauses that 'Congress shall have power' to enforce these provisions for liberty and equal rights." (Reconstruction, 1863-1877) Significantly, Lincoln's reconstruction policy is best illustrated by the famous phrase in his Second Inaugural Address: 'With malice toward none, with charity for all' an d he was not able to complete the process of reconstruction due to his assassination in April 1865. After the death of Lincoln, Andrew Johnson was elevated to the Presidency of the United States and he was the only U.S. Senator from the South not to resign in 1861. The reconstruction policies of Andrew Johnson marked the formal completion of Reconstruction. Andrew Johnson's reconstruction policies reflected his firm belief in states' rights, his vigorous opposition of black suffrage, and the intense hatred of the pre-war Southern plantation aristocracy. Although the official reason for the impeachment of Andrew Johnson was that he had violated the Tenure of Office Act, the real reason was his stubborn defiance of Congress on reconstruction. According to Johnson's reconstruction policies, the states had to swear allegiance to the Union and ratify the 13th amendment in order to reenter the Union. He was willing to pardon high-ranking Confederate officers and "favored states' rights on issues such as giving African Americans the right to vote." He "did not support the Freedman's Burea u and "took a conciliatory approach". (United States History to 1877) In comparison, the reconstruction policies of the Radical Republicans were opposed to those of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew
Monday, September 23, 2019
Discussion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 27
Discussion - Coursework Example One example of incidences of groupthink in workplaces is the financial malpractices. Financial department falls prey of groupthink by engaging in unethical malpractices that lead to losses in the Airline industries. It is argued that groupthink influenced the Foolhardy Risks that was characterized by heinous scandalous behavior. Groupthink can be addressed through professional awareness of the psychological phenomenon of the problem. Therefore, through awareness workers are encouraged to outline their individual decisions rather than offering unanimous decisions on decisions. These strategies ensure that unethical decisions are rectified before the group agrees them. For example, a decision to spend $10 billion on buying more aircraft by the American Airlines would require an analysis of the cost benefit of the venture. Individual decisions would offer different analysis from different perspective of group members. Thus, combinations of the ideas and ethical views minimize the problem of groupthink in organization
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 6
Research Paper Example The woman-centric themes of the poems shall be dealt with in this paper. The formal innovations that these poets have made in their poetry shall also be an important part of this paper. This paper shall also look at the divergences within their poetry. Obviously, even though women share many of their concerns, to say that their concerns are identical would be to reduce the complexity and depth of the issue at hand. This paper shall argue that the feminist content of these poems needs to be looked at in terms of the need for solidarity amongst women of all ideological orientations, arising out of their experiences as women in a patriarchal society (Hoffman 48). Anne Sexton’s poem â€Å"Cinderella†speaks of the problems inherent within fairy tales. It speaks of the harmful stereotypes that are perpetuated within and through such stories. The stereotype of the wicked stepmother is one such stereotype. The importance of Sexton’s poem lies in its ability to subtly pi nt at such stereotypes and laugh at them while at the same time rebuking society for believing in them. When she says, That's the way with stepmothers. (373), she intends the reader to detect the sarcasm within the lines. This is intended to reveal the extent to which women in such stories are victimized and portrayed as villains. The reference to the ball as a â€Å"marriage market†(373) is another instance when events that are considered important in popular imagination are deconstructed and viewed as events with social and economic significances. Sexton continues with themes of relevance to women in â€Å"Her Kind†where she expresses solidarity with women of another era. She refers to witch-hunts that have taken place in history, arguing that ‘witches’ were just women who were different from what a patriarchal society wanted them to be. Sexton herself was considered to be a woman different from conventional models of femininity. This may have led her to express her solidarity with other marginalized groups of women from history. Greg Johnson concurs with this view in his review of Diane Wood Middlebrook’s biography of Anne Sexton (408). Sexton repeatedly uses the line â€Å"I have been her kind†(405) in order to emphasize the importance of such solidarity. Her life is important here also because it reveals how difficult it is for women, even famous poets, to lead their lives in a patriarchal society. The self-positioning of female subjectivity in Sylvia Plath’s poetry spans across the subjects of sexuality, history, kinship and heavily politicised and gendered notion of rationality. The focus of the essay shall be on â€Å"Daddy,†â€Å"Lady Lazarus,†and â€Å"Metaphors.†In â€Å"Daddy†one finds the coalescing of the identities of her father and a tyrannical political leader. Owing to the immediate historical backdrop of the poem, the Second World War, one may well speculate t hat the reference here is to the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler. The analogy between her father and Hitler points to the collusion between patriarchy and dictatorships. It is against the Nazi ideal of racial purity that the speaker establishes her own identity as proudly hybrid when she says â€Å"With my gipsy ancestress and my weird luck/And my Taroc pack and my Taroc pack/I may be a bit of a Jew.†(631) This repudiation of purity enables her to construct her identity outside the rigidly deterministic
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Why is Sir Isaac Newton Essay Example for Free
Why is Sir Isaac Newton Essay Why pick a scientist over someone who has contributed to any other field of endeavour? Look at the evidence: here is a person who discovered the universal law of why what goes up must come down, the explanation of the colours of a rainbow; and a method of calculation with applications in far reaching areas that affect our lives today. Newton is best known for formulating a universal law of gravitation, however it is unlikely that his ideas stemmed solely from the well-known story of an apple falling on his head whilst sat under a tree. His mathematical researches into planetary motion drew him to the conclusion that that the force of attraction that held planets in their orbits, and the Moon in its orbit around Earth, varied inversely with the square of their distance from the sun. In other words, the nearer you are to a planet the greater its force of gravitational pull. This was his fundamental law of gravitation. He discovered that the force of gravity affected all objects in the universe. His laws of motion can be summarised as follows: 1) Everything preserves its motion in a straight line unless its deflected from that course by a force. 2) The rate at which a body travels is in proportion to the force applied on it. 3) To every action there is an opposite and equal reaction These laws held true for many years and it was only until Einstein, in the twentieth century, proposed his theory of relativity that we were to have a more accurate picture of how the universe behaves. Newton is said to have invented the Calculus. The calculus, most simply put, is a way of finding the area under a curve drawn on a graph and the gradients of tangents drawn at any point on that curve. Why is this useful? Well, this allows us to find out rates, areas and volumes by what is known as differentiation and integration. For instance, if you wanted to find out how quickly your reconditioned MK1 Ford Cortina with go-faster stripes accelerated to 0-60 mph in, you could set up an experiment to plot the distance travelled by the car accelerating from a stand-still to its top speed against time. If you used differentiation on a corresponding curve drawn on a graph, you could find the speed of the car at any given time. Furthermore, if you used differentiation again, you could determine its acceleration. Alternatively, you could set up an experiment to measure the cars speed against time, if you were to find the area under the resultant curve using integration, you would be able to establish the distance travelled. Apart from measuring the performance of tasteful 70s automobiles, the calculus can be applied to more significant things like ascertaining reaction rates of chemicals, or discovering where the greatest stresses and strains are likely to be caused on a bridge. In the field of optics, Newton discovered that if a beam of sunlight were passed through a glass prism it would reveal rays forming a spectrum of colours, like that of a rainbow. He concluded that white light was composed of many different types of rays which when refracted at slightly different angles would produce a different spectral colour. He made this observation when using a refracting telescope and witnessed that the lenses were not clear but had an abnormal colour. It also led him to invent a reflecting telescope that did not display this aberration. But what of Newtons character: He typified the mathematical genius. He was obsessive by nature; at times toiling sixteen-hour days on work that would change the course of history. Anecdotes abound about his absent-mindedness, especially when entertaining friends (which he did rarely), where he would excuse himself to get more wine or run a similar errand, and would not return for some time because he had been busily working on some mathematical problem that had been troubling him, oblivious of his guests. He is someone who overcame adversity, probably being plagued with depression for most of his life, which resulted in him suffering two mental breakdowns. Despite his achievements he remained a modest man saying once: If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants. During his lifetime he never married, although one could argue that he was married to his work. He summed up his scientific endeavour and cosmic curiosity when he innocently remarked. I know not what I appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. Greatness but touched with humility, a lifetimes work that has had an enormous impact on the development of mankind and a single-minded pursuit to uncover the secrets of the universe: Surely Newton is the greatest Briton of all time.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Halfway House Allows People Criminology Essay
Halfway House Allows People Criminology Essay Institution based correction is largely practiced in the American correctional systems. Institutional confinement has been used in America since the ancient times as history describes it. Early punishments for criminals were directed more at the criminal`s body and property as well. The main goals were to humiliate the offender, inflict pain and also deter onlookers from crime. Modernity in incarceration strives to change the character of the offenders and this takes place away from the public view. Sentences are majorly imposed upon offenders and range from probation to serving a time in prison. Intermediate sanctions include sentences to a halfway house. Sanction use can be described as either positive, which is known to be rewarding or, negative which is a punishment. This forms the basis of all criminal theory alongside the main goals of social control and deviant behavior deterrence. Facilities operating in the United States of America, many of them adhere to certain correctiona l theories (Byrne and Taxman, 2005). Halfway house allows people to start off a period of reintegration with the society. The primary function of halfway houses is to provide criminals who have no place to go and also those who have no one at their backs to support them. The halfway house there caters for all their needs as inmates. They are offered food and a place to rest their bodies. It is important to note that the halfway is not a dormitory despite its primary functions states above. It must facilitate discharged offenders. The halfway staffs, together with officers who are on probation provide the inmates with instructions and guidance on various programmes undertaken (Latessa and Lowenkamp, 2006). Halfway house residents are divided into two different groups. The first group is composed of the supervisees meaning probationers and parolees. The second group is composed of the discharged offenders who are not under supervision. This is the group of criminals who left prison when their term expired or their execution sentence was suspended. The first group of halfway house residents is required to live in such facilities by the requirements of the parole or probation. They have no obligation to change their residence without the permission of the relevant probation office director. Individuals of the latter group are free to go anywhere they feel like going. Non-supervisees are known to stay in the halfway house for six months after release. The period can still be extended if necessary for additional six months (Bussert, Golderger and Price, 2006). Treatments of different nature are offered in a halfway house. Each house bears its on way of practice in offering the various treatments as required by the needs of its residents. The social Skills Training (SST) and Substance Abuse Programme, for example, are the popular kinds of treatments offered in most of the American halfway houses. These two kinds of treatment address the major needs of the criminal residents of the facilities. The two biggest needs are those of interactive skills and substance addiction. Interactive skills include the tactics of finding a job and retaining it while substance addiction involves alcohol addiction. Some of the halfway houses go to an extent of inviting external speakers, supervisors of facilitators to take part in some of these treatment interventions. A variety of other programmes also exist in these facilities. Some of the houses give some kind of financial diary to monitor the way the handle their finances; others provide health education, h ygiene education while others provide collage therapy (Bussert, Golderger and Price, 2006). Halfway houses are generally overlooked as facilities that are an important part of the safety of the public. They serve to offer crime prevention efforts and it is also hard of members of the public to describe the activities that take place in their various communities. This paper will stress on the fact that, halfway houses are a requirement in presenting a transitional environment for individuals initially involved in criminal offenses, have finished their sentence term and are ready to join the rest of the community as well as ensuring public safety (Byrne and Taxman, 2005). Dramatic growth in the number of inmates has brought forth a large increase in the number of individuals legally entitled to receive various services. This dramatic growth has also created changes in the characteristics of inmate population that are of relevance to the programming decisions. Emphasis on the safety of the public point out that the scarce program resources are concentrated on a certain group of offenders. Such are those inmates that present a threat to the society outside prison and posses treatable crime related problems. This has led to a wide variety of initiatives. The most notable initiatives have been the evaluation of program effectiveness and privatization of some of the correctional activities. Programs have also been developed and their strategies implemented towards addressing the ways of holding offenders such that future crimes are prevented. This specifically, after the detainee is released form detention (Bussert, Golderger and Price, 2006). The past decade has seen live debates covering the importance of halfway houses as a measure of controlling crime cases in America. These debates have focused their purposes on investigating and assessing the effectiveness of these facilities. Debates on the effectiveness have been largely related to the intended impact of a criminal punishment, the necessity of improving the safety of the public and reduction of future crimes and lastly the requirements of the states and localities in ensuring cost-efficient correctional programs. Many of these debates bring out several points inclined to the positive side of these facilities as a component of American correctional agencies (Latessa and Lowenkamp, 2006). Regarding punishment, most individuals think that halfway houses are less punitive as compared to prison or jail. Research tends to prove these groups of persons by revealing that most offenders view halfway houses as very stringent and more punitive since they require changed behaviors. Some of the criminological debates have diverted their focus to determining whether involvement of halfway houses in correcting offenders is effective. The findings in many of the researches prove the effectiveness of such facilities as potential intermediate punishment. Offenders make public preparations, resolve the conflicts with other victim, and undertake public services and stay connected to their communities without the isolation of punishment based in prison (Bussert, Golderger and Price, 2006). Halfway houses shorten prison terms and also help to alleviate pressure on crowded jails and prisons belonging to states and various localities. This transitional programming can also be followed by a home detention period and the offender is carefully monitored for compliance (Bussert, Golderger and Price, 2006). Most evaluations of impact of halfway houses to the rehabilitation of the offenders focus on program components regarding their relationship with recidivism. The Massachusetts Furlough and Pre-release Program evaluation of over 15 years demonstrated that returns to custody were reduced. This was deduced from a study of 13,000 cases of placements of persons who were returning from prison. Recent research findings underscore the existence of benefits for a certain group of offenders rated high or medium risk based on the risk predictive screening. A large case study was once conducted by the Federal Bureau of Prisons on the offenders released through halfway houses in the United States of America. The findings of this study revealed that the residential as well as the employment components of halfway houses were related to the improvement in recidivism (Latessa and Lowenkamp, 2006). Many of the halfway houses share information on case management with their referral and oversight agencies. Ways of attaining client health care and behavioral attention have been developed. This has been done with much consideration towards respecting confidentiality if the clients and the needs of the oversight agency. Integrated case management systems and electronic networking has had several advantages in this institutional based correction facility. This is because; the transfer of information is accurate and more efficient between the programs serving halfway house clients and the agencies (Byrne and Taxman, 2005). Researches on impact of halfway houses have, over a along time have proved that, halfway houses have no negative impact towards crime. They have always pointed out that they are of advantage to the neighborhood safety incase a person that was under detention is released back to the community (Byrne and Taxman, 2005). Halfway houses are known to be developed in the response to a need for stable housing for persons involved in the criminal justice systems. Criminal justice professionals have also deduced that there is need for certain services more than stable housing. These services are aimed at reducing criminal behaviors in future. Agencies collaborate to come up with a target group of offenders. These group can be screened and identified incase they have contact with other criminal justice agencies and police. Criminal justice agencies have developed a screening process used in the selection of persons who are more likely to benefit from a halfway house situation. More often, they examine histories of repeated crimes related to alcohol or drug. This is an indication of the need to stay in a more structured living situation. Focus on the mental needs of an offender, special assistance in the cognitive skills and addressing the victim`s impact are also among the criteria for isolating offenders f or placement in halfway house facilities. Courts consider such cases as where there is need to garnish wages in order to pay fees, fines, restitution and child support. Halfway programs act as a funnel of the payments earnings belonging to the offender and advisors to help him or her stabilize financially at the end of their supervision period (Latessa and Lowenkamp, 2006). In conclusion, several trends have been seen to affect the correction systems in the United States of America. The unprecedented growth in the populations of inmates owe to changes in police practices and sentencing practices. The society has become of much concern with regard to the type of inmates released from prison or jail to join the other members of the community. The dark side of the offenders poses worrying situations about possible future harms. Halfway houses are facilities of great importance in ensuring the safety of the public. It is also important to remember that they are of positive impact to the offenders life after finishing the sentence term. They are able to go through at transitional stage through which they experience a different life from that in prison in preparation for the real life in the world outside jail or prison (Byrne and Taxman, 2005).
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Impact of Marijuana Use :: Interview Essays
The Impact of Marijuana Use I conducted each of the following interviews. I obtained verbal consent from the individuals and informed them that their confidentiality would be completely protected. To insure their confidentiality is protected I am using pseudonyms for the individuals interviewed. They were also informed that they could stop the interview at any time with no questions asked and there would be no penalty of any kind if they chose to do so. Interview number 1; female, 47 years old, Africa Board Question (Q): Why do you use? Answer (A): (There is a long pause) †¦it's hard to put into words. I like it obviously, it seems to keep me centered and focused. (Q): What do you get out of it? (A): It is a solitary thing more than a group thing so it is not social, it's not a party thing. I like the quiet, and the focusing. (Q): How long have you used? (A): On and off since I was a teenager. (Q): What are the positives of using? (A): The focusing, it seems like my creativity is increased, and I like getting in touch with nature. (Q): What are the negatives of using? (A): Society's attitude, it seems like there is a lot of judgment placed on marijuana that is not necessarily fair or accurate. (Q): Why do you think society has a particular attitude towards marijuana? (A):I think because of the 1960s when people were experimenting with lots of drugs, people were dropping out of school. The establishment did not like people thinking for themselves so they medicated people with television and propaganda that inaccurately portrays marijuana. (Q): Do you feel addicted? (A) No because there have been times where I haven't smoked. When I went to Mexico I didn't use, it's not worth the risk, not worth jail time. I quit when I was pregnant and sometimes I just don't feel like using. Interview Number 2; female, 29 years old, Jasmine Grant (Q): Why do you use? (A): I don't anymore. It was a social thing. All of my friends were doing it so I thought "why not". (Q): What do you get out of it? (A): It made me feel accepted, not just because of peer pressure but also because my words seemed to flow better and I felt less self-conscious. I liked the way it took the edge off reality. It numbed a small piece of me and allowed me to relax. (Q): How long have you used?
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Beowulf - Changes In People :: Epic of Beowulf Essays
The tale of Beowulf is one of constant transformation. Great warriors and leaders are turned into cowering peons. Faithful Christians convert to devil worship. Devout followers flee at the sight of trouble. Many people’s morals change quickly and drastically at the sight of change. Personal turmoil abounds with changing values brought about by changing times. People can remain content as long as nothing challenges them, however at the mere sight of change personal chaos abounds. One case of how change causes people to forsake their values happens when Grendal makes his first appearance at Herot. â€Å"Then Hrothgar, taking the throne, led/ The Danes to such glory that comrades and kinsmen/ Swore by his sword, and young men swelled.†(64-67) Hrothgar was a mighty leader of the Danes, but at the sight of a different foe, a change, Hrothgar turned tail and ran. He did not once try to face Grendal (although his attempt would have been insignificant), but would rather let his people live in terror. The Hrothgar describe before the arrival of Grendal was a completely different person, mentally, than the Hrothgar that was terrorized by the monster. He knew only one type of enemy, humans, and once that changed he lost all his leadership power. A true man of values would have kept them no matter what change takes place. Fate does not play a role in Hrothgar’s actions. He is caught up in pride about all his achievements that makes him vulnerable to being caught by change. He becomes too comfortable in his station that he narrows his comfort zone to such a level that any amount of change will throw his off tremendously. Everything that happens is by his own doings. Hrothgar is a perfect example of how people cannot mentally fight evil. Without the constant attack of evil, one will not be able to deal with it when it comes up. Beowulf is constantly battling evil, which makes him more able to battle it when it is encountered. Hrothgar was not exposed to evil, so when it reared its ugly head his only reaction was to flee. If someone lives in a perfect society and leaves, they will not be able to deal with the evil they find because they have never had to deal with it before. Good cannot combat evil if it has never known evil. The only way to resolve Hrothgar’s situation is to bring in someone who has known evil and faced it well, is not prideful, and can adapt to change well.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Nonprofit organizations Essay
TASC which stands for treatment alternative for safe communities is nonprofit making organization providing access to recovery and specialized services for people involved in corrections, criminal justice, public aid systems and child welfare. TASCS programs serve more than 30,000 people each year across Illinois every year including transitional programs for providing management for clinical case to over 4,000 adults each year who enter the community after incarceration. TASC work together with other service providers and partners to offer treatment, support recovery and establish faith –based organization. Addiction treatment field has grown in the past three decades due to expansion of market for illicit drugs in United States which started in 1960s and need for treatment services and intervention. In the areas of societal changes, key leaders have provided guidance on development in the last thirty years. They have shown their understanding on the need and possibilities for the field, they assess environmental landscape in order to anticipate the coming trends, take care of appropriate risks, act collectively in advancing the field and use influence and power in achieving a common vision. New leaders have been developed who are involved in identification and possible growth of individual who will be leaders of the field of alcohol, prevention and treatment of drugs in the years to come. Beyond leadership being understood as competencies and individual skills, cultures need to be developed about leadership at all levels in the organization. Leadership is involved in working together with others to advance the overall field. It explores, define and implement strategies to bring together diverse entities under common purposes and goals. There is a framework for developing leaders by convening efforts such as initiative for partners’ recovery. the main goals of efforts that are made in development of leadership is to make sure there is continuing evolution in leadership and having sound public policy and quality services to everyone. Fragmentation of philosophies has marked the field of preventing substance abuse and treatment of addiction for more than one century. Right now views are different concerning standardizing treatment methods, using medication-assisted treatment, purpose of recovery movement and outcome measures. Instead of a unified voice being presented, the field is described as multiple movements with many leaders and institutions having different agendas. Recently, the field is coming together with common philosophies to understand the science of recovery from addiction. Leadership understands societal context where the field is located. Plan for future of addiction treatment begin by assessing current environment and anticipating forces and trends for shaping the years to come. Forces in the society are external to control of the field yet for the people who will be involved in treatment and recovery; their future will be shaped by the people within the field by understanding opportunities and challenges that may emerge. The skills for a leader in treating addiction are complex. They need understanding of clinical and all service aspects and have business skills such as property acquisition, financing, contracting and managing profit and nonprofit organizations for organization to be viable and competitive. Leadership is involved in being capable of moving others forward to achieve strategic vision and his skills are strategic planning, financial development, mentoring and communication. Management is involved in putting in place all infrastructure and processes for effective working of organization. Vital management and business skills include team building, development of product and service, human resource development and marketing.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Animal testing
Animal Testing Animal testing is the act of using non-human animals in research, development projects or scientific experiments. Hundreds of millions of animals are being used annually for scientific research, but because some countries do not collect this data, the precise number will always be unknown. Many questions arise when talking about this Issue such as: Are there any cures that have resulted from animal testing, are humans superior to animals, and are there alternatives to this type of testing?Out of the many medical advancements that have resulted from animal testing, there are ten that strike me as very important to the survival of mankind. The first is Penicillin. Penicillin was tested on mice in the asses. By 1941, Penicillin was being used to treat dying soldiers. This research eventually won the Nobel Prize in 1945. The second Is blood transfusion. Blood transfusions have saved the lives of countless people and animals. The technique was developed when citrated blood was shown to be safe for transfusion in dogs in 1914.The third achievement was the first medicine for tuberculosis. About 100 years ago, tuberculosis was one of the most common causes of death. Nobel Prize-winning research on Guiana pigs in the asses led to the antibiotic streptomycin. The fourth was the Meningitis vaccine. These vaccines were developed In mice and have resulted in a huge fall In the disease. Previously many victims died or had amputations or organ damage. The fifth achievement Is the kidney transplant. Of the 5,000 people who develop kidney failure every year in the UK, one in three would die without a kidney transplant.Transplantation techniques were developed using dogs and pigs. The sixth is breast cancer. Breast cancer is the commonest cancer among women. Animal studies led to the development of attainment, one of the most successful treatments, and more recently Hermetic and aromas Inhibitors. The seventh achievement Is the asthma Inhaler. Asthma Is the common est serious childhood Illness and soul causes about 2,000 deaths a year In the ASK. Animal research was vital for the medicines in the inhalers seen in many schools today. The eighth is the polio vaccine.This advance alone has saved millions of lives. Forty years of research using monkeys and mice led to the introduction of the vaccine in the 1 sass. The ninth Is insulin for diabetes. Just another important achievement that saved millions of lives and won the Nobel Prize In 1923. The tenth and final achievement are Implants for Parkinson Disease. Research was carried out on experimental animals such as primates, which led to an electrical implant of Parkinson Disease. (Contribution). There are many alternatives to the use of animals in scientific experiments.Some of them are in vitro test methods and models based on human cell and tissue cultures, computerized patient-drug databases and virtual drug trails, computer models and simulations, stem cell and genetic testing methods, non- invasive Imaging techniques such as Mrs. and CT Scans, and Mollycoddling (In on the cellular level, without affecting the whole body system). Also the scientists and engineers at Harvard's Ways Institute have created â€Å"organs-on-a-chip,†including the lung-on-a-chip†and â€Å"gut-on-a-chip. †These tiny devices contain human cells in a 3- dimensional system that mimics human organs.The chips can be used–instead of animals–in disease research, drug testing, and toxicity testing. Some benefits of non- animal testing are that alternative scientific tests are often more reliable than animal tests, the use of human tissue in toxicity testing is more accurate than the animal models, Non-animal tests are more cost-effective, practical, and expedient, and cruelty free products are more environmentally friendly. Alternatives) There are specific pros and cons on animal testing that I found very interesting.Some pros are that it helps researchers to find drugs and treatments, improves human health, helps insure safety on drugs, and alternate methods of testing do not simulate humans in the same way. Some cons are that animals are killed or kept in captivity, some substances tested , may never be used for anything useful, it is very expensive, and animals and humans are never exactly the same. (Marijuana). There are numerous myths surrounding animal testing, and the unfortunate result is that people may form opinions based on uneducated facts. It is important to address some of the most common myths in hopes that people can make more informed decisions regarding animal testing. Some of these myths are that the use of animals is pointless because animals are different from people, laboratory animals experience horrific distress and suffering, side effects and distress experienced by animals are undetectable, which makes animal testing unreliable, researchers are tot concerned about animals or are indifferent to their care, the existen ce of alternative methods means that animals are unnecessary for testing, and the majority of animal testing is conducted for cosmetics development. Marijuana) Theses myths had me thinking. I wonder if people do not truly know the facts about animal testing. It seems that most people are listening to these myths rather than listen to an expert. Credible information is key to picking a side for a debated topic. I think I am going to argue that animal testing has both negative and positive effects. Animal Testing Is Animal Testing Wrong? Would you want to put your best four legged friend through torture to find out if something, such as lipstick, would okay for humans? I know, for sure, I would never want to put any animal through these horrible experiments. Most people think that animal testing is something we have to do in order to protect ourselves from new products. Which is not true, we would survive perfectly fine with the millions of products we have now. These beloved animals don’t deserve to put through such torture. Animal testing is costing many animals their lives and is costing many of us millions of dollars.More than 100 million animals, ranging from mice to monkeys, are suffering and dying in cruel chemical, drug, food and cosmetic tests, biology lessons, medical training exercises, and curiosity-driven medical experiments (â€Å"Animals Used for Experimentation†, n. d. ). All these animals can do is sit and wait for the pain, caused by the horrible procedures, to come their way. While the animals who were already tested on, are wishing the pain would just go away. Majority of the helpless creatures die because they lose minds caused by stress or fear.Many of the other animals die with no purpose of their life, because many of the substances will never see approval for consumption of humans. Also many animals have to be put down because they become so nervous that they start to become aggressive and then they have no use. â€Å"Animals Used for Experimentation†(n. d. ) states that in order to test cosmetics, household cleaning items, and other consumer products, hundreds of thousands of animals are poisoned, blinded, and killed every year by cruel corporations. This is only the major disagreement with the torture done to animals.One huge way the animals are tortured is that most of the experiment animals are breed and raised just to be sent to laboratories. In fact a lot of these animals are bought really young to help reduce the str ess of being in the cages in the labs. Therefore most of these animals have never got to know what grass feels or smells like. Most of the dogs have never played fetch with an owner. Most pregnant cats that are in animal shelters are bought by companies that test on animals. Therefore the kittens can be tested on by baby products or kept until they are a couple years old. â€Å"Animal Testing Facts†(n. . ) claims that every hour 2,000 cats and 3,500 dogs are born in labs all over the nation. Most importantly, none of these neglected animals have ever and will never know what it is like to be loved by a human or know what it is like to be rewarded by a human with a treat or a belly rub. The only things these animals think, about when a human comes by or to their cage, are that they have to duck down and hope they keep walking. They feel that when a human touches them, that means the pain is coming. Isn’t that the complete opposite purpose that these wonderful creatures are living with us?We are supposed to be the protector of the animals who can’t speak or defend themselves. We are supposed to be their best friends. Some of the experiments done on the animals are unbelievable! Mice and rats are forced to inhale toxic fumes, dogs are force-fed pesticides, and rabbits have corrosive chemicals rubbed onto their skin and eyes (â€Å"Animals used for Experimentation†, n. d. ). Many animals become so freaked out that they start to kill each other. They also will attack themselves, such as: pulling out their own hair or feathers, eating their own skin, or starving themselves to death.Some major companies that test on animals are: Gillette, they rub their products into rabbits’ eyes and then sit back and wait to see if they scream because the product is burning their eyes; Nair, they rub their products on the fur of many dogs and other furry animals; and Tide and Windex, also force feed and cover animals in their products. Those are just a few of the thousands of companies that test on animals. Many of the results found are unreliable because the animal could have easily died from one of the reasons I have already talked about.The results could also be unreliable because human bodies and animal bodies can have a different reaction or one may not even have a reaction at all to a certain product. One major disturbing thing about the reactions of animals I that most rabbits and other animals will get huge holes in their sides because a product will eat away at their skin and organs. Many other sad reactions that happen to the animals are that they could get seizures, and some forget what they are suppose to do such as drink water or eat their food.Even if animals have a bad reaction to certain products, some of these products will still go to market and be sold to the people. More than 100,000 people have been hospitalized and later died from toxic reactions to medications in 1994 that were not predicted by animal tests (â€Å"Animal Testing Facts, n. d. ). Most of families get tired of paying for expenses for their family pet or pets. Could you imagine having to pay for the food, housing, or care for the millions of animals? Or just paying for price of millions of animals? This is a lot of money that is wasted; animals are far from being cheap.Price is another major setback of animal testing. The price for the experiment animals, alone, has caused a lot of the United States’ financial debt. According to â€Å"Animals Used in Experimentations†(n. d. ) the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, the National Toxicology Program, and the Department of Agriculture are a couple of government agencies that subject animals to many painful and cruel experiments. Another interesting fact is that a big percent of the money that is wasted on animal testing comes from United State taxpayers.It is estimated that around $12 billion, of taxpayers’ money, is put toward animal testing. One way to help with the cost is to test animals are small animals only, not animals that cost or ones that require more care. There are many ways to help get rid of animal testing. The most effective thing to do is to stop buying the products that are from companies, who test on animals. This way they won’t be making any money on their products and therefore they won’t have the money to spend on more animals or the care for the hundreds of animals they already have.The main argue of why we need to have animal testing is that it helps researchers improve health issues and find new medicines. This is a good point but what is pointless about it is that a lot of the medicines are almost the same medicines that we have right now. Which would prove that we could live perfectly fine without different and/or new medicines. Another point that people, who are for animal testing, have is that they say it protects people from testing on other people, b ecause these tests could hurt or kill the person who is being tested on.This point is somewhat true but it does not help stop the people who are abused every day or the ones who are murdered. The last main argue for why we need animal testing is that it ensures the safety of the new products. The statement is barely even true, because most of the products that pass the animals could have a completely different reaction to a human. Like I said before, that animals are in an unfamiliar environment and they are so stressed that their bodies might not even have a reaction to a deadly substance.I hope that next time you put on some make up or take some pills to help get rid of a little headache, you will think about the hundreds loving animals that had to suffer for months or the animals that were killed, in order for you to have these small luxuries. The next time you pay taxes I hope you ask yourself if you money goes to help researchers torture millions of animals. When you think abou t all of the money we waste and all of the lives we steal away from animals, you will agree with me that we need to find a better way to test new products.Or we could hope that the scientists will be able to find a more humane way to test them on animals. References Animals used for experimentation. (n. d. ). Retrieved April 9, 2012, from http://www. peta. org/? issues/? animals-used-for-experimentation/? default2. aspx Animal testing facts. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 30, 2012, from http://www. animaltestingfacts. zoomshare. com/ Dixon, T. (2009, April 7). Animal experimentation. Retrieved March 29, 2012, from http://www. idebate. org/? debatabase/? topic_details. hp? topicID=7 Gerty. (2010, December 11). The pro’s and cons. Retrieved March 29, 2012, from http://levmm1. wordpress. com/? 2010/? 12/? 11/? the-pros-and-cons/ Murnaghan, I. (2011, July 1). Using animals for testing: pros versus cons. Retrieved March 27, 2012, from http://www. aboutanimaltesting. co. uk/? using-anim als-testing-pros-versus-cons. html Shandilya, R. (2011, December 16). Animal testing pros. Retrieved March 30, 2012, from http://www. buzzle. com/? articles/? animal-testing-pros. html Animal testing Animal Testing Animal testing is the act of using non-human animals in research, development projects or scientific experiments. Hundreds of millions of animals are being used annually for scientific research, but because some countries do not collect this data, the precise number will always be unknown. Many questions arise when talking about this Issue such as: Are there any cures that have resulted from animal testing, are humans superior to animals, and are there alternatives to this type of testing?Out of the many medical advancements that have resulted from animal testing, there are ten that strike me as very important to the survival of mankind. The first is Penicillin. Penicillin was tested on mice in the asses. By 1941, Penicillin was being used to treat dying soldiers. This research eventually won the Nobel Prize in 1945. The second Is blood transfusion. Blood transfusions have saved the lives of countless people and animals. The technique was developed when citrated blood was shown to be safe for transfusion in dogs in 1914.The third achievement was the first medicine for tuberculosis. About 100 years ago, tuberculosis was one of the most common causes of death. Nobel Prize-winning research on Guiana pigs in the asses led to the antibiotic streptomycin. The fourth was the Meningitis vaccine. These vaccines were developed In mice and have resulted in a huge fall In the disease. Previously many victims died or had amputations or organ damage. The fifth achievement Is the kidney transplant. Of the 5,000 people who develop kidney failure every year in the UK, one in three would die without a kidney transplant.Transplantation techniques were developed using dogs and pigs. The sixth is breast cancer. Breast cancer is the commonest cancer among women. Animal studies led to the development of attainment, one of the most successful treatments, and more recently Hermetic and aromas Inhibitors. The seventh achievement Is the asthma Inhaler. Asthma Is the common est serious childhood Illness and soul causes about 2,000 deaths a year In the ASK. Animal research was vital for the medicines in the inhalers seen in many schools today. The eighth is the polio vaccine.This advance alone has saved millions of lives. Forty years of research using monkeys and mice led to the introduction of the vaccine in the 1 sass. The ninth Is insulin for diabetes. Just another important achievement that saved millions of lives and won the Nobel Prize In 1923. The tenth and final achievement are Implants for Parkinson Disease. Research was carried out on experimental animals such as primates, which led to an electrical implant of Parkinson Disease. (Contribution). There are many alternatives to the use of animals in scientific experiments.Some of them are in vitro test methods and models based on human cell and tissue cultures, computerized patient-drug databases and virtual drug trails, computer models and simulations, stem cell and genetic testing methods, non- invasive Imaging techniques such as Mrs. and CT Scans, and Mollycoddling (In on the cellular level, without affecting the whole body system). Also the scientists and engineers at Harvard's Ways Institute have created â€Å"organs-on-a-chip,†including the lung-on-a-chip†and â€Å"gut-on-a-chip. †These tiny devices contain human cells in a 3- dimensional system that mimics human organs.The chips can be used–instead of animals–in disease research, drug testing, and toxicity testing. Some benefits of non- animal testing are that alternative scientific tests are often more reliable than animal tests, the use of human tissue in toxicity testing is more accurate than the animal models, Non-animal tests are more cost-effective, practical, and expedient, and cruelty free products are more environmentally friendly. Alternatives) There are specific pros and cons on animal testing that I found very interesting.Some pros are that it helps researchers to find drugs and treatments, improves human health, helps insure safety on drugs, and alternate methods of testing do not simulate humans in the same way. Some cons are that animals are killed or kept in captivity, some substances tested , may never be used for anything useful, it is very expensive, and animals and humans are never exactly the same. (Marijuana). There are numerous myths surrounding animal testing, and the unfortunate result is that people may form opinions based on uneducated facts. It is important to address some of the most common myths in hopes that people can make more informed decisions regarding animal testing. Some of these myths are that the use of animals is pointless because animals are different from people, laboratory animals experience horrific distress and suffering, side effects and distress experienced by animals are undetectable, which makes animal testing unreliable, researchers are tot concerned about animals or are indifferent to their care, the existen ce of alternative methods means that animals are unnecessary for testing, and the majority of animal testing is conducted for cosmetics development. Marijuana) Theses myths had me thinking. I wonder if people do not truly know the facts about animal testing. It seems that most people are listening to these myths rather than listen to an expert. Credible information is key to picking a side for a debated topic. I think I am going to argue that animal testing has both negative and positive effects. Animal testing Animal Testing Animal testing is the act of using non-human animals in research, development projects or scientific experiments. Hundreds of millions of animals are being used annually for scientific research, but because some countries do not collect this data, the precise number will always be unknown. Many questions arise when talking about this Issue such as: Are there any cures that have resulted from animal testing, are humans superior to animals, and are there alternatives to this type of testing?Out of the many medical advancements that have resulted from animal testing, there are ten that strike me as very important to the survival of mankind. The first is Penicillin. Penicillin was tested on mice in the asses. By 1941, Penicillin was being used to treat dying soldiers. This research eventually won the Nobel Prize in 1945. The second Is blood transfusion. Blood transfusions have saved the lives of countless people and animals. The technique was developed when citrated blood was shown to be safe for transfusion in dogs in 1914.The third achievement was the first medicine for tuberculosis. About 100 years ago, tuberculosis was one of the most common causes of death. Nobel Prize-winning research on Guiana pigs in the asses led to the antibiotic streptomycin. The fourth was the Meningitis vaccine. These vaccines were developed In mice and have resulted in a huge fall In the disease. Previously many victims died or had amputations or organ damage. The fifth achievement Is the kidney transplant. Of the 5,000 people who develop kidney failure every year in the UK, one in three would die without a kidney transplant.Transplantation techniques were developed using dogs and pigs. The sixth is breast cancer. Breast cancer is the commonest cancer among women. Animal studies led to the development of attainment, one of the most successful treatments, and more recently Hermetic and aromas Inhibitors. The seventh achievement Is the asthma Inhaler. Asthma Is the common est serious childhood Illness and soul causes about 2,000 deaths a year In the ASK. Animal research was vital for the medicines in the inhalers seen in many schools today. The eighth is the polio vaccine.This advance alone has saved millions of lives. Forty years of research using monkeys and mice led to the introduction of the vaccine in the 1 sass. The ninth Is insulin for diabetes. Just another important achievement that saved millions of lives and won the Nobel Prize In 1923. The tenth and final achievement are Implants for Parkinson Disease. Research was carried out on experimental animals such as primates, which led to an electrical implant of Parkinson Disease. (Contribution). There are many alternatives to the use of animals in scientific experiments.Some of them are in vitro test methods and models based on human cell and tissue cultures, computerized patient-drug databases and virtual drug trails, computer models and simulations, stem cell and genetic testing methods, non- invasive Imaging techniques such as Mrs. and CT Scans, and Mollycoddling (In on the cellular level, without affecting the whole body system). Also the scientists and engineers at Harvard's Ways Institute have created â€Å"organs-on-a-chip,†including the lung-on-a-chip†and â€Å"gut-on-a-chip. †These tiny devices contain human cells in a 3- dimensional system that mimics human organs.The chips can be used–instead of animals–in disease research, drug testing, and toxicity testing. Some benefits of non- animal testing are that alternative scientific tests are often more reliable than animal tests, the use of human tissue in toxicity testing is more accurate than the animal models, Non-animal tests are more cost-effective, practical, and expedient, and cruelty free products are more environmentally friendly. Alternatives) There are specific pros and cons on animal testing that I found very interesting.Some pros are that it helps researchers to find drugs and treatments, improves human health, helps insure safety on drugs, and alternate methods of testing do not simulate humans in the same way. Some cons are that animals are killed or kept in captivity, some substances tested , may never be used for anything useful, it is very expensive, and animals and humans are never exactly the same. (Marijuana). There are numerous myths surrounding animal testing, and the unfortunate result is that people may form opinions based on uneducated facts. It is important to address some of the most common myths in hopes that people can make more informed decisions regarding animal testing. Some of these myths are that the use of animals is pointless because animals are different from people, laboratory animals experience horrific distress and suffering, side effects and distress experienced by animals are undetectable, which makes animal testing unreliable, researchers are tot concerned about animals or are indifferent to their care, the existen ce of alternative methods means that animals are unnecessary for testing, and the majority of animal testing is conducted for cosmetics development. Marijuana) Theses myths had me thinking. I wonder if people do not truly know the facts about animal testing. It seems that most people are listening to these myths rather than listen to an expert. Credible information is key to picking a side for a debated topic. I think I am going to argue that animal testing has both negative and positive effects. Animal Testing Is Animal Testing Wrong? Would you want to put your best four legged friend through torture to find out if something, such as lipstick, would okay for humans? I know, for sure, I would never want to put any animal through these horrible experiments. Most people think that animal testing is something we have to do in order to protect ourselves from new products. Which is not true, we would survive perfectly fine with the millions of products we have now. These beloved animals don’t deserve to put through such torture. Animal testing is costing many animals their lives and is costing many of us millions of dollars.More than 100 million animals, ranging from mice to monkeys, are suffering and dying in cruel chemical, drug, food and cosmetic tests, biology lessons, medical training exercises, and curiosity-driven medical experiments (â€Å"Animals Used for Experimentation†, n. d. ). All these animals can do is sit and wait for the pain, caused by the horrible procedures, to come their way. While the animals who were already tested on, are wishing the pain would just go away. Majority of the helpless creatures die because they lose minds caused by stress or fear.Many of the other animals die with no purpose of their life, because many of the substances will never see approval for consumption of humans. Also many animals have to be put down because they become so nervous that they start to become aggressive and then they have no use. â€Å"Animals Used for Experimentation†(n. d. ) states that in order to test cosmetics, household cleaning items, and other consumer products, hundreds of thousands of animals are poisoned, blinded, and killed every year by cruel corporations. This is only the major disagreement with the torture done to animals.One huge way the animals are tortured is that most of the experiment animals are breed and raised just to be sent to laboratories. In fact a lot of these animals are bought really young to help reduce the str ess of being in the cages in the labs. Therefore most of these animals have never got to know what grass feels or smells like. Most of the dogs have never played fetch with an owner. Most pregnant cats that are in animal shelters are bought by companies that test on animals. Therefore the kittens can be tested on by baby products or kept until they are a couple years old. â€Å"Animal Testing Facts†(n. . ) claims that every hour 2,000 cats and 3,500 dogs are born in labs all over the nation. Most importantly, none of these neglected animals have ever and will never know what it is like to be loved by a human or know what it is like to be rewarded by a human with a treat or a belly rub. The only things these animals think, about when a human comes by or to their cage, are that they have to duck down and hope they keep walking. They feel that when a human touches them, that means the pain is coming. Isn’t that the complete opposite purpose that these wonderful creatures are living with us?We are supposed to be the protector of the animals who can’t speak or defend themselves. We are supposed to be their best friends. Some of the experiments done on the animals are unbelievable! Mice and rats are forced to inhale toxic fumes, dogs are force-fed pesticides, and rabbits have corrosive chemicals rubbed onto their skin and eyes (â€Å"Animals used for Experimentation†, n. d. ). Many animals become so freaked out that they start to kill each other. They also will attack themselves, such as: pulling out their own hair or feathers, eating their own skin, or starving themselves to death.Some major companies that test on animals are: Gillette, they rub their products into rabbits’ eyes and then sit back and wait to see if they scream because the product is burning their eyes; Nair, they rub their products on the fur of many dogs and other furry animals; and Tide and Windex, also force feed and cover animals in their products. Those are just a few of the thousands of companies that test on animals. Many of the results found are unreliable because the animal could have easily died from one of the reasons I have already talked about.The results could also be unreliable because human bodies and animal bodies can have a different reaction or one may not even have a reaction at all to a certain product. One major disturbing thing about the reactions of animals I that most rabbits and other animals will get huge holes in their sides because a product will eat away at their skin and organs. Many other sad reactions that happen to the animals are that they could get seizures, and some forget what they are suppose to do such as drink water or eat their food.Even if animals have a bad reaction to certain products, some of these products will still go to market and be sold to the people. More than 100,000 people have been hospitalized and later died from toxic reactions to medications in 1994 that were not predicted by animal tests (â€Å"Animal Testing Facts, n. d. ). Most of families get tired of paying for expenses for their family pet or pets. Could you imagine having to pay for the food, housing, or care for the millions of animals? Or just paying for price of millions of animals? This is a lot of money that is wasted; animals are far from being cheap.Price is another major setback of animal testing. The price for the experiment animals, alone, has caused a lot of the United States’ financial debt. According to â€Å"Animals Used in Experimentations†(n. d. ) the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, the National Toxicology Program, and the Department of Agriculture are a couple of government agencies that subject animals to many painful and cruel experiments. Another interesting fact is that a big percent of the money that is wasted on animal testing comes from United State taxpayers.It is estimated that around $12 billion, of taxpayers’ money, is put toward animal testing. One way to help with the cost is to test animals are small animals only, not animals that cost or ones that require more care. There are many ways to help get rid of animal testing. The most effective thing to do is to stop buying the products that are from companies, who test on animals. This way they won’t be making any money on their products and therefore they won’t have the money to spend on more animals or the care for the hundreds of animals they already have.The main argue of why we need to have animal testing is that it helps researchers improve health issues and find new medicines. This is a good point but what is pointless about it is that a lot of the medicines are almost the same medicines that we have right now. Which would prove that we could live perfectly fine without different and/or new medicines. Another point that people, who are for animal testing, have is that they say it protects people from testing on other people, b ecause these tests could hurt or kill the person who is being tested on.This point is somewhat true but it does not help stop the people who are abused every day or the ones who are murdered. The last main argue for why we need animal testing is that it ensures the safety of the new products. The statement is barely even true, because most of the products that pass the animals could have a completely different reaction to a human. Like I said before, that animals are in an unfamiliar environment and they are so stressed that their bodies might not even have a reaction to a deadly substance.I hope that next time you put on some make up or take some pills to help get rid of a little headache, you will think about the hundreds loving animals that had to suffer for months or the animals that were killed, in order for you to have these small luxuries. The next time you pay taxes I hope you ask yourself if you money goes to help researchers torture millions of animals. When you think abou t all of the money we waste and all of the lives we steal away from animals, you will agree with me that we need to find a better way to test new products.Or we could hope that the scientists will be able to find a more humane way to test them on animals. References Animals used for experimentation. (n. d. ). Retrieved April 9, 2012, from http://www. peta. org/? issues/? animals-used-for-experimentation/? default2. aspx Animal testing facts. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 30, 2012, from http://www. animaltestingfacts. zoomshare. com/ Dixon, T. (2009, April 7). Animal experimentation. Retrieved March 29, 2012, from http://www. idebate. org/? debatabase/? topic_details. hp? topicID=7 Gerty. (2010, December 11). The pro’s and cons. Retrieved March 29, 2012, from http://levmm1. wordpress. com/? 2010/? 12/? 11/? the-pros-and-cons/ Murnaghan, I. (2011, July 1). Using animals for testing: pros versus cons. Retrieved March 27, 2012, from http://www. aboutanimaltesting. co. uk/? using-anim als-testing-pros-versus-cons. html Shandilya, R. (2011, December 16). Animal testing pros. Retrieved March 30, 2012, from http://www. buzzle. com/? articles/? animal-testing-pros. html
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Macbeth Newspaper Article Essay
The flow of blood stopped and History recorded a tragic death. King Duncan over ten years was the most trusted noble. He was a good and Godly man, friend to the poor and defender of the downtrodden. He had been given the title, â€Å"Thane of Fife†. But he is no more with us. Our King Duncan was murdered last night according to the Scotland police authority. King Duncan was assassinated during his stay at Macbeth’s castle in the early morning on (May 12). He died surrounded by those that loved him and his legacy will live on. Duncan’s two guards were considered the main suspects, but were slaughtered by Macbeth at the scene. Authority has conformed the two guards responsible, but has no plan to charge Macbeth either. General Banquo told the police, everything looked good in the dinner. Duncan seemed to have a pleasure time that night. He announced Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as the best host and hostess in the world and had several dances with Lady Macbeth. They had been celebrating until eleven p. m. late at night. When the celebration finished, his Highness King Duncan retired back to his room. Other witnesses also agreed with Banquo’s statement. However, in the next morning, Duncan was found dead in his own bed. Nobel Macduff was the one who has found the King’s body. Macduff told the police, he and Nobel Lenox arrived at the castle with some other servants around 7:30 am. Everyone in the castle seemed still sleeping at that time. They knocked the gate several times before the porter opened it. Then, Macbeth led two to the King’s chamber. While Macbeth and Lenox stayed there discussing the scary storm on Friday night, Macduff discovered horrible scene along. â€Å"O Horror, Horror, Horror! Tongue nor heart can conceive nor name thee! †Macduff cried (Pg 65, line 73).
Occurrence And Non Occurrence Of Global Warming Environmental Sciences Essay
What is planetary warming? Global heating can be defined as the increasing in temperature of Earth atmosphere and oceans. The increasing of temperature may be little yet important. Global heating is besides the enhanced of nursery consequence. Greenhouse consequence occurs due to the being of nursery gases. Greenhouse gases such as C dioxide, methane, etc absorb infrared radiation. Sunlight radiation passes through the Earth ‘s ambiance, arrives Earth ‘s surface. A part of it is absorbed by the Earth ‘s surface while the other will be re-radiated back to infinite in signifier of infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases like C dioxide, methane, etc trap this infrared radiation and reflect it back to Earth ‘s surface and cause warming consequence. Without those nursery gases, H2O will stop dead and there will be no life on Earth as the Earth ‘s temperature drops dramatically. With excessively much of it, planetary heating occurs. I believe there is happening of planetary heating. Even though there are some statements against planetary heating, For case, some of the people argued that the scientific discipline of planetary heating is non proved. Besides, they argued that scientists may overstate the consequence of planetary heating as they wish to have financess from environmental organisations. Furthermore, some people thought that scientist non ever right, they may do mistakes in computation and giving wrong anticipations. Besides, scientists believe that the Sun end product has greatly changed since 1970, so there is non-occurrence of planetary heating. And, some people said that the Troposphere information does n't demo the same grade of warming as expected. Meanwhile, some scientists believe that natural emanation of green house gases is greater than unreal emanation ( Human Activities ) . However, those statements are non-sense. As there are tonss of groundss prove that there is happening of planetary he ating. First, the concentration of nursery gases such as C dioxide is increasing at an speed uping rate. The graph above ( cited from hypertext transfer protocol: // ) shows the concentration of C dioxide from the twelvemonth of 1955 boulder clay 2010. Concentration of C dioxide increases decennary by decennary. The increasing of concentration of C dioxide rises the temperature of Earth as it traps the infrared radiation that re-radiated by Earth. Hence, planetary heating occurs. Besides, concentration of methane is increasing dramatically since industrial revolution. The graph below shows that the methane concentration in ambiance from twelvemonth of 1984 till twelvemonth of 2005. Methane is one of the nursery gases that able to pin down more infrared radiation if compared to carbon dioxide. High concentration of methane further increases the consequence of planetary heating. Second, sea degree rises. There are 2 factors that cause sea rise, one of the factors is the Increasing in planetary temperature melts the universe ‘s glaciers that will let go of H2O to raise the sea degree. For case, ice cap on Mountain Kilimanjoro ( a mountain that is located in north- eastern Tanzania and the highest mountain in Africa. ) will be disappeared in 20 old ages. About 82 % of the ice cap has disappeared since it was foremost mapped in 1912. Besides, great sum ( around 87 % ) of Antarctic ice sheets have melted and collapsed into the sea. The 2nd factor is thermic enlargement of sea H2O. As planetary temperature is increasing at an speed uping rate, the temperature of the H2O of the sea additions, sea becomes less dense. This phenomenon will do the sea H2O to distribute. Once spreading occurs, sea H2O degree rises. ( Jeffrey Chanton, 2002 ) This information has proven that sea degree rises twelvemonth by twelvemonth, decennary by decennary. This is the graph that shows the recent sea degree rise. It is increasing decennary by decennary at an dismaying rate. With merely one sea degree rises, islands such as Maldives would disappear shortly in the hereafter. If this phenomenon continues, shortly, metropoliss like London, Bangkok and New York will below the sea degree. These are the groundss of planetary heating. They are so important. Third, ocean becomes acidic. Concentration of C dioxide is increasing at an speed uping rate. Carbon dioxide will fade out in ocean H2O, increases the concentration of H ions ( H+ ions ) as C dioxide will go carbonaceous acid, carbonaceous acid will further hydrolyse to hydrogen ions. Here is the equation of it. CO2 + H2O & A ; lt ; = & A ; gt ; H2CO3 & A ; lt ; = & A ; gt ; H+ + HCO3-Therefore ocean H2O becomes acidic. Since 18th century, pH of sea H2O beads by somewhat more than 0.1 units. In the hereafter, the pH value will drop further. The effects are important, H2O that is acidic able to fade out the shells of aquatic beings. Aquatic beings like salmon, oysters and clinchs are sensitive to acidified H2O. Harmonizing to the article of acidified ocean H2O endanger marine life from Mexico to Vancouver Island, scientist, Lanson and her co-workers did some research on sea H2O of Queen Charlotte Sound, North of Vancouver Island, to northern Mexico. They found out that the sea H2O is caustic. As she mentioned that, the acidified sea H2O brings great impact on shell aquatic beings as the corrosiveness of the sea H2O dissolve their shell. Soon in the hereafter, the ecosystem of ocean will be affected. Fourthly, O depletion zones across universe ‘s ocean. Dead and low life zones are spread outing in universe ‘s oceans presents. The graph above shows the correlativity between the concentration of O and C dioxide in hatches and staircases. The concentration of C dioxide is reciprocally relative to concentration of O. This graph has proven that the increasing of concentration of C dioxide that cause planetary heating will do O depletion in universe ‘s ocean every bit good. Harmonizing to a scientific discipline study that published by the research workers of University of Kiel, Germany, states that O content is diminishing in cardinal and eastern equatorial Africa and in the equatorial of Pacific. Besides, zones off the seashore of California and in the Gulf of Mexico are confronting diminishing in O content. While, subarctic Pacific is the top of it. Oxygen depletion causes extinction of aquatic beings. This will greatly impact human shortly in the hereafter, as human loss their beginning of nutrient. In the hereafter, dead fishes and other aquatic animals will drift on sea surface. More and more oceans will turn into dead sea because of planetary heating. The image below shows that the dead fishes that float on sea surface due to oxygen depletion that occurs in their home ground. The 5th grounds is climate alteration. Climate alteration is the changing of clime over a period of clip. Climate alteration may be limited to specific parts or occurs globally. Nowadays, the conditions is acquiring warmer and heater. Heat is constructing up on Earth ‘s surface. Drought occurs often in the past 30 old ages due to planetary heating. As an illustration, monolithic California fires. Besides that, planetary warming leads to other utmost conditions forms such as more hurricanes. For case, in August/September 2004, a moving ridge of hurricanes devastates Caribbean islands and parts of south eastern United States. Increasing of temperature of ocean H2O increases the opportunities of hurricanes as the H2O evaporates, it will organize hurricane while warm H2O will assist to keep strength and strength of hurricane. Besides, heavy rainfall and intense rain occur often presents due to planetary heating. Warmer temperature causes H2O evaporates more and big sum of wet in th e ambiance. The graph above shows that the figure of inundation occurred ( reported ) around the universe. ( Source of informations: OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database ) . Number of inundation is increasing twelvemonth by twelvemonth, because of planetary heating. The 6th grounds is the alterations in agricultural field. As planetary heating changes the planetary temperature, utmost conditionss occur ; modified weed, plague and pathogen exist. Crop output decreases at low-latitude country ( Schneider et al, 2007 ) . Increasing temperature causes The past few old ages have seen the Northern Hemisphere and other topographic points around the Earth experience higher temperatures that caused by planetary heating, which could ease growing features for certain plagues. For case, British Columbia, Canada has had a pine beetle infestation that threatens to destruct between 70-80 % of their woods by 2013. Besides, planetary warming nowadayss new challenges for corn plague direction, as high temperature improves prevalence of insect plagues, increases winter-survival. Plagues that onslaught corn that is winter-intolerance, due to increasing in planetary temperature, they survive during winter season and they attack corn and causes dropping of harvest ou tput and besides alterations in harvest output variableness. This is proven by scientists, Noah S Diffenbaugh, Christian H Krupke, Michael A White and Corinne E Alexander. Furthermore, harmonizing to on-line journal Environmental Research Letters proves that increasing in planetary temperature reduced production of maizes, wheat and barley by 40 million metric dozenss per twelvemonth between 1981 and 2002. Compared to the information from Food and Agriculture Organization, outputs of wheat, rice, maize, soya beans, barley and sorghum, fell by 3-5 % for every 1 grade F rise. Furthermore, harmonizing to MAHA Malaysia, maple sirup production in America is diminishing approximately 10 % due to warmer and shorter winter. While drouth that occurs because of planetary heating causes H2O deficit, serious thesis greatly affects agribusiness. A scientific study from Colorado State University besides shows that increasing in planetary temperature causes croping lands to be less productive. The graph above shows the decrease of the 10 twelvemonth turn overing growing rate in universe entire harvest yield/hectare since the agricultural revolution ( Data beginning, FAO ) . Besides, human wellness is greatly affected by planetary heating and clime alterations. This can be strong grounds that prove the happening of planetary heating. Extreme conditions events greatly affected human wellness. For case, utmost conditions that causes flood causes human decease and besides water-borne diseases spread in an accelerating rate. While heat moving ridges in Europe in August, 2003 resulted in extra mortality in the scope of 35,000 entire deceases. And drought brought infective diseases such as meningitis that greatly infected occupants in semi- and sub-Saharan Africa. Climate alteration besides alters the distribution of infective diseases vectors, as hurricanes and rains provide engendering beds for the vectors. Those infective diseases vectors attack human being. Hence, human mortality rate additions. Some scientific surveies have found out that higher temperature increased episodes of diarrhoeal disease in grownups and kids in Peru. Increasing in planetary temp erature non merely affects harvest output, animate beings yet human being. Water crisis is really familiar in this modern epoch. As planetary heating, clime alteration affects H2O resources. In the West, there is a turning Water exigency in Southern British Columbia, as the reservoirs are now merely at 30 per cent. In China, drought brings H2O crisis, thaw of the glaciers of Qinghai-Tibet tableland in Western China due to planetary heating reduces their potable H2O resources. The other strong grounds that prove there is happening of planetary heating is the migration of works and aquatic beings in the ocean. For case, many species of plankton are traveling north to get away the warming H2O on the sea surface off Greenland and Alaska. Besides, Eider ducks that live on St. Lawrence migrate 100 stat mis north to a part with colder clime. This strongly implicates that the heating of H2O off the island. Furthermore, harmonizing to the on-line diary, Global Warming Effects seen in animate being and works universes, 99 species in North America and Europe showed that wildlife such as birds, butterflies and alpine herbs shifted northerly an mean 6.1km per decennary. Global warming causes temperature-sensitive wildlife to seek for ice chest locations that are farther North. Besides, 172 species of migratory birds, amphibious vehicles were engendering earlier in spring, workss and vegetations blossoming earlier. Those groundss support the happening of planetary heating.
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