Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Outsiders Should Not Be Banned - 1388 Words
The Outsiders English teachers in middle schools and high schools have been through many debates over the years on whether or not a certain book should be taught to students in United States public schooling systems. The Outsiders, is a book that should not be on the list of banned books. Believe it or not the book has been banned from schools and libraries. The Outsiders should not be banned because it provides valuable life lessons involving loyalty. Books like this one, that involve gang members, fighting, shooting, stabbing and other gory incidents, should be portrayed to kids in middle school and beyond. This generation that people are growing up in nowadays is a weak, soft generation who need to realize that the world is not always going to be kind to them. The neighborhoods that a lot of kids live in are safe environments, which is not a bad thing, but they are unaware of the horrible things that go on in the ghettos or other places in our nation. Books are a great way to reac h out to kids and show them valuable life lessons while also giving them learning experiences through that English class they are enrolled in. The author of this novel, The Outsiders, Susan Eloise Hinton, is a very popular author of young adult fiction stories and she is especially popular in the Oklahoma area because she makes the setting in a lot of her books from that area. She wrote the books That Was Then, This Is Now, Rumble Fish, Tex, and Taming The Star Runner. The Outsiders wasShow MoreRelatedS.E. Hinton Will Change History781 Words  | 3 Pagesadolescences trying to survive in the world. According to Antoine Wilson’s biography â€Å"†¦you should know about S.E. Hinton is that the â€Å"S. E.†stands for Susan Eloise, and that Susan Eloise is a woman†(Wilson 7). The life of a remarkable woman who changed history forever was born on July 22, 1948 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In an in interview with Globe and Mail, S. E. Hinton talks about her most successful novel The Outsiders. Directly from the interview, â€Å"†¦your first novel is older than you are†¦I wrote it whenRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Outsiders 1106 Words  | 5 PagesLisaMarie Brayden Professor Susan Cassidy English 169 27 September 2015 Censorship Essay: The Outsiders I chose to write about the challenged book The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Susan Eloise Hinton began writing this book when she was 15 years old and had it completed and published by the time she was 18 years old. The Outsiders was published in 1967 and followed the two rival gangs (The Greasers and the Socs) in the town of Tulsa, Oklahoma. During the 1960’s there were many social changes thatRead More the outsiders Essay494 Words  | 2 Pages Banned Book Report nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton was written in 1967. This novel tells the story of the conflict between two different social groups, the greasers and the socs. The socs were the socials who lived in the rich part of town, and the greasers were the lower class youths. This novel tackles issues such as violence, class conflict, and prejudice. The novel takes place in the early sixties. The Outsiders examines how two different groups compete, and uniteRead MorePreventing a Brave New World; Cloning of Human Embryos Essay933 Words  | 4 PagesAbstract Leon Kass’s provides a compelling article on why the world should ban cloning. Kass’ article, â€Å"Preventing a Brave New World†, provides Kass’ theories of if society progresses on its current path, society would start to turn to cloning as an alternative to typical reproduction. Cloning offers a way to design an offspring rather than the typical experience of child raising. Kass believes if cloning is not banned, society will be more dependent upon technology and be at technologies whimRead More Stop Literary Censorship Essay1566 Words  | 7 Pagesrestricted circulation of literary, artistic, or educational materials . . . on the grounds that these are morally or otherwise objectionable in light of the standards applied by the censor (Cromwell). Definitions aside, great literature is being banned by many people for a number of reasons and shouldnt be.          The First Amendment to the Constitution states that: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;Read MoreBeauty Pageants Should Be Banned Essay867 Words  | 4 PagesAn estimated 250,000 children compete in beauty pageants each year. 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In 1951, after the imprisonment of numerous Natives, this legislation was dropped by the actRead MoreBrave New World By Aldous Huxley1743 Words  | 7 Pagespossibilities of this type of society. Brave New World was written in 1931 and published in 1932. Since then, thousands of copies have been sold. This novel has also been banned in many countries. This story is extremely controversial, but this is what makes it so good. It was rated number fifty-two out of one hundred most banned books from 1990-2001. Brave New World has made an impact on society by warning people of the possible outcomes of technological advances mixed with government control. ThisRead MoreTravel Ban Essay976 Words  | 4 Pagesis, thereby, causing their deaths and the government should feel convicted of that as much as they should feel the guilt of turning away the Jewish refugees when they were in crisis. Several people shared a tweet from Amnesty International linking to their statement on the ban. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The movie Awakenings - 4852 Words
Meagan McGee Psychology 1300 Awakenings The movie Awakenings starring Robin Williams and Robert De Niro portrays the true story of a doctor named Dr. Malcolm Sayer, and the events of the summer of 1969 at a psychiatric hospital in New York. Dr. Malcolm Sayer, who is a research physician, is confronted with a number of patients who had each been afflicted with a devastating disease called Encephalitis Lethargica. The illness killed most of the people who contracted it, but some were left living statues; speechless, motionless, and helpless. Dr. Malcolm Sayer, when introduced to these patients and their prospective cases, took on what was considered an extremely unpredictable and radical experimental treatment. Being a primarily†¦show more content†¦This movie expresses both important sides of medicine and of psychology. Although the patients depicted in this movie slipped back into their comatose like state, Dr. Malcolm Sayer and the drug L-DOPA changed their lives forever. Reference Page - ghosts-teach-oliver-sackss-awakenings-part-i/ (Quote) - (Book Review) -Lilienfeld, Woolf, Namy, and Lynn. Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding. Boston: Allyn Bacon, 2008. (Psychology Text Book) The Awakenings Recently I watched a fascinating movie which related psychology and experimental drug usage. The movie was quite long, and had a variety of high points and low points. A few main aspects were touched on and could be related directly to my class and the information we have covered over the past few weeks. It would crucial to summarize the movie first and then compare and contrast it to the information I have been presented with in my psychology class. Imagine your life being seemingly normal one day, and the next day changed forever. Dr. Sayer was a research psychologist who studied the cause or result of behaviors based on experimental data. He applied at an institute to work as a neurologist. He was told that his professionalShow MoreRelatedCritical Review On The Movie Awakenings 1964 Words  | 8 Pagesno less meaning to their viewers than the more popular ones. Penny Marshalls’ Awakenings is one such film. Released January 11, 1991, the drama biography grossed $52 million with an original budget of roughly $31 million. Despite the fact that the pg-13 Columbia Pictures Corporation and Parkes/Lasker Productions movie did not gross even double the original budget, viewers reacted extremely well to the film, Awakenings was nominated for 11 awards, including 3 Oscars, and won an additional 6. ThisRead MoreComparison Between Daniel Keyes Flowers for Algernon and Awakenings641 Words  | 3 PagesComparison Between Danie l Keyes Flowers for Algernon and Awakenings There were many similarities between the short story â€Å"Flowers for Algernon†and the movie Awakenings. â€Å"Flowers for Algernon†, by Daniel Keyes, is about a man named Charlie, who has a very low IQ. Charlie gets an operation to make him smarter. It is a story about what happens to him during that period of time. The movie, Awakenings, directed by Penny Marshall, starring Robin Williams and Robert De Niro, is about how some peopleRead MoreThe Awakening Of The Dark Corridor984 Words  | 4 Pagesactual confrontation, The Awakening takes viewers into a spaceous, eerie boarding school that used to be a private mansion. This ghost movie derives from typical characteristics of the subgenre haunted houses. Unexpected sounds, intense music, and a ghostly monster scare the viewer as this movie plays out, but the twist is finding out the monster is not the ghost. The Awakening’s twist in plot allows the movie to surpass the layout of a haunted house movie by maki ng the movie more interesting, suprisingRead More A Comparison of Kate Chopins The Awakening and Grand Isle Essay1492 Words  | 6 PagesA Comparison of Kate Chopins The Awakening and Grand Isle     Grand Isle is the movie adaptation of Kate Chopins 1889 novel, The Awakening. Turner Network Television (TNT) made the movie in 1991, and it stars Kelly McGillis as Edna Pontellier and Adrian Pasdar as Robert Lebrun. To say that this movie is based, even loosely, on The Awakening is an insult to Kate Chopins colorful literary work. A reviewer from People Weekly calls it a tedious melodrama and sees it as Kelly McGilliss vanityRead MoreAwakenings Essay1018 Words  | 5 PagesFrom beginning to end the movie The Awakening, Robin Williams demonstrates his knowledge of the scientific method. The scientific method is a procedure of steps that is used to prove something. In the movie it is used to show that patients suffering from an un-named disorder do have a slight opportunity to return to their normal state of being. The scientific method is a list of steps to prove something and make into a law or theory based on your final product andThe Awakening findings. It is composedRead More The Awakening Essay1091 Words  | 5 Pagesis due to the fact that an author is able to convey his/her message clearer and include things in the book that cannot be exhibited in a movie. For this reason, the reader of the book is much more effected than the viewer of the film. In the novella, The Awakening, by Kate Chopin, there is much more evidence of symbolism as well as deeper meaning than in the movie version of the book, Grand Isle. Chopin conveys her symbolic messages through the main character’s newly acquired ability to swim, throughRead MoreEssay about Literary Comparison Flowers for Algernon vs Awakenings777 Words  | 4 PagesLiterary Comparison Essay Flowers for Algernon VS Awakenings Most of us feel that were â€Å"different†in one way or another at some point in our lives. Being different, however, is not always the â€Å"bad†thing that we sometimes imagine it to be. In fact, Charles Evans Hughes once said, â€Å"When we lose the right to be different, we lose the privilege to be free.†Literature often portrays differences as a good thing, too. In Flowers for Algernon, for example, vary from others, that personRead MoreWho Killed the Electric Car vs. A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash1298 Words  | 6 PagesCrude Awakening: The Oil Crash Who Killed the Electric Car directed by Chris Paine and A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash directed by Basil Gelpke and Ray McCormack are similar documentary films in several aspects including their target audiences and viewpoints. Both documentaries choose to approach their messages differently concerning their use(s) of pathos, logos, and ethos. Who Killed the Electric Car relies much more on the use of pathos to relay its argument, while A Crude Awakening: TheRead MoreDr. Malcolm Sayer ( Robin Williams )889 Words  | 4 PagesAwakenings In 1969, Dr. Malcolm Sayer (Robin Williams) is a new physician at a local hospital in the Bronx area of New York City. Dr. Sayer is caring and dedicated physician who works with catatonic patients who survived the encephalitis lethargica epidemic. Despite these patients not moving in over decades, Dr. Sayer is determined to help these patients and sees them as their families do as individuals. Dr. Sayer first discovers, there are certain stimuli such as catching a ball, hearing familiarRead MoreThe Awakenings : Flowers For Algernon And Awakenings710 Words  | 3 PagesRecently I (and many others) have read the story â€Å"Flowers for Algernon, and the movie â€Å"Awakenings†. â€Å"Flower for Algernon†is an outstanding story about a Man named Charlie Gordon with an I.Q. of 68, and a small white mouse named Algernon who can beat Charlie in any maze. The story begins when Charlies Support teacher, Miss Kinnian, advise Charlie to do an experiment that Dr.Nemur and Dr.Strauss believe that a surgical operation could possibly have Charlies I.Q. raise up triple the amount it was
Monday, December 9, 2019
Infection Control Encompasses Strategies †
Question: Discuss about the Infection Control Encompasses Strategies. Answer: Introduction Infection control and prevention with the use of chlorhexidine washcloths The discipline of infection control often encompasses prevention and management of nosocomial and healthcare associated infections in healthcare facilities. This topic is of utmost importance to nurses as it forms the basis of delivery of healthcare services and works towards improving the overall health and wellbeing of all patients. Infection control is imperative for public health practice. Two major implications of this topic are associated with their effectiveness in controlling an epidemic outbreak, and preventing an infection spread by recognising all underlying factors and routes of exposure to communicable diseases (Tacconelli et al. 2014). Nurses are placed at an unique position for bringing about changes that help them to improve care standards. There are several tools made available to nurses for creating a safe environment for their patients. Thenursing duty requires them to adapt certain precautions that form the cornerstone of a safe health-based environment that is free of infection. Thus, infection control and prevention is a major duty ofnursing practice. This research activity will enable nurses to understand the significance of maintaining appropriate infection control practices in the healthcare setting. Reasons for undertaking research Preventing or controlling the spread of pathogens, such as, viruses and bacteria is the primary duty of nurses. Thus, the research activity is essential for maintaining a safe healthcare environment for all healthcare professionals, patients, and their family members. Most disabled and ill people are cared for in confined spaces. This makes them more susceptible to acquiring all forms of HAIs (Rosenthal et al. 2013). Thus, the research will increase an awareness on thenursing standards needed to control infection and will also help in determining effectiveness of the intervention (use of chlorhexidine washcloths) for the same. Research question/hypothesis Question: Does chlorhexidine bathing reduce rates of hospital acquired infections among patients? Hypothesis: Using chlorhexidine washcloths on patients admitted to the ICU will help in reducing rates of infection in the hospital setting. In recent years, several efforts have been taken to increase the awareness and knowledge of healthcare professionals for eliminating potential mortality and morbidity associated with hospital acquired infections (HAIs). In addition, several countries have taken rigid stance for averting such infections. According to the researches that have been conducted on determining impact of chlorhexidine bathing washcloths, CHG has been found to reduce rates of central line associated infections, UTI, ventilator-associated pneumonia, and SSI. Trials that compared rates of infection, before and after use of CHG washcloths have shown significant lowering in the infection rates after CHG institution (Krein et al. 2012). Furthermore, evidences have also indicated that CHG results in a decrease in vancomycin resistant Enterococci. Primary BSI rates of infection have also demonstrated significant reduction with the use of CHG (CDC 2012). Nursing Interventions: The intervention would be that the nurse should bath all patients admitted to the ICU with the use of 2% CHG washcloths, in place of regular soap and water. Client perceptions: Studies have shown nurses who adopt appropriate infection control techniques are better able to prevent spread of infections in the ICU from patients to their family members or healthcare professionals. In addition to hand hygiene maintenance, use of CHG has also been established effective in reducing spread of nosocomial infections in healthcare settings. Thus, use of this intervention will also make the clients or patients learn and understand that the concerned healthcare professionals are taking all possible efforts to improve their health outcomes. Political Issues: Increased healthcare costs, lack ofnursing staff, turnover rates Research objective The objective of this research activity is to evaluate or investigate the effectiveness or positive impacts of bathing critically ill patients using 2% chlorhexidine impregnated washcloths in preventing the incidence of hospital-acquired infections. Other discipline Patient safety discipline can also be correlated with the research activity as it illustrates that safeguarding patients is of utmost importance and can be achieved by adopting essential prevention strategies that help in lowering rates of medical errors. Hence, patient safety eliminates adverse health outcomes. Hence, in addition to assisting the nursing discipline, the research activity will also enhance patient safety arena. Sources of data and evidence Cochrane Library- PubMed- The aforementioned two sources were used to retrieve articles for the research activity as it contained relevant and current articles that had been published on the effects of chlorhexidine washcloth use in infection prevention. Search strategy Recent and relevant findings were extracted from google scholar with regards to CHG use as an infection control practice. The research question was kept comprehensive and specific. Data extraction contained use of several search terms that helped in retrieving relevant articles. The search terms were hygiene, infection control, hospital infection, infection prevention, chlorhexidine, nosocomial, washcloth. Boolean operators such as, OR, AND, and NOT were used. This helped in excluding unpublished or irrelevant articles. Systematic approach Statement of objective: Use of 2% chlorhexidine gluconate impregnated washcloths by nurses, for patients admitted to intensive care units will effectively reduce rates of nosocomial infection in the healthcare setting. Data collection: Peer reviewed articles, systematic reviews were used for collecting relevant, updated and recent research articles that had been conducted for determining effectiveness of daily 2% chlorhexidine gluconate baths. The first piece of research collected is a randomised controlled trial. Another cohort study has also been collected as a major piece of evidence. Data evaluation: The first piece of research to be evaluated is an RCT that discussed effects of daily CHG bathing on MDRO acquisition and incidence of bloodstream infections in a hospital. The RCT was an useful piece of evidence as it helped in determining the direct impacts of CHG washcloth bathing on patients, thereby showing their effects on HAI rates. It also demonstrated significant effects of the intervention on rates of associated VRE and MRSA in the healthcare setting (Climo et al. 2013). The cohort study was also useful in the sense that it directly evaluated effects of chlorhexidine patient bathing conducted across a hospital on rates of healthcare-associated infections. The information from the article can be used for the research activity as, in addition to effects of the intervention on infection rates, it also demonstrated CHG tolerance among patients (Rupp et al. 2012). A systematic review was also considered for the same that investigated effectiveness of daily CHG bathing in nosocomial infection prevention among ICU patients. Inclusion of this systematic review was a correct step for this research activity as it contained essential information pertaining to impact of CHG bathing from 12 quasi-experimental studies and 3 RCTs. It helped in providing relevant information on rates of urinary tract infection, catheter related infections and pneumonia (Huang et al. 2016). A before-and-after study was also used as a piece of evidence that described the direct impacts of 2% CHG impregnated washcloth use on VRE colonisation. Inclusion of the study was essential for the research activity as it contained exhaustive information on CHG administration upon patients admitted to the oncology and hematology ward and also determined the subsequent rates of VRE (Bass et al. 2013). Analysis: Overall, from the wide list of articles that were retrieved from the two sources, the aforementioned four articles were found to be most appropriate for gaining a sound understanding of the direct influence or impact of bathing ICU patients with washcloths that are impregnated with 2% chlorhexidine gluconate, in reducing infection rates. Distinction between relevant and irrelevant information The systematic review conducted for evaluating the effects of daily bathing of patients using chlorhexidine washcloths for preventing hospital-acquired infections. Due to the fact that such infections are found to increase hospitalisation rates, and associated healthcare costs, information presented in this systematic review was particularly useful and relevant in this context. In this nursing profession that considers nurses as the frontline of patient-centered care, dependency of patients on the nursing staff is increasing significantly. Thus, nurses often fail to provide the adequate level of care that is required for all patients. Therefore, this systematic review will act as a relevant piece of information and will help nursing professionals to increase their knowledge on best infection control practices. Prioritising information The two research articles are the following: Effect of daily chlorhexidine bathing on hospital-acquired infection. Effect of hospital-wide chlorhexidine patient bathing on healthcare-associated infections. Comparison The comparison for the two articles are given in the appendix. Conclusion Thus, it can be conclude from the research findings extracted for this activity that infection control nurses specialise in preventing or reducing spread of potentially infectious agents, such as, bacteria and viruses. Therefore, it is imperative to the duty of an infection control nurse to prevent dangerous epidemics. Some of the most common precautions adopted by healthcare professionals for infection control include hand washing techniques, use of sanitiser sprays, and proper bathing of the admitted patients. It can be concluded from the findings that infection control nurses are expected to use chlorhexidine washcloths while bathing their patients for preventing spread of germs to healthy individuals and for skin disinfection. Evidences suggest that chlorhexidine impregnated washcloths when used on the skin are able in reducing pathogen levels on the skin. Findings also suggest that CHG bathing effectively prevents pathogen colonisation and subsequent infection, thereby lowering rates of their dissemination to the environment and to the hands of other healthcare personnel, patients or family members. Similar findings are also reported by other studies that state that CHG is a safe and effective antiseptic solution that has broad acting antiseptic activity. Thus, novel uses of chlorhexidine impregnated cloths will effectively preventing infection. Therefore, providing nurses with the opportunity of possessing essential nursing skills that focus on infection control will help in enhancing patient health outcomes, thereby fostering a healthy nurse-patient relationship, increasing job satisfaction and staff retention. Impact of findings It is now considered an imperative nursing duty to maintain standard precautions that underpin routine adherence to safe nursing practices for preventing spread of pathogens in a healthcare facility. Nurses should assess the extent of contact with contaminated objects, body fluids, blood and pathogen, and should comply with essential infection control practices in the healthcare setting for identifying all patients who are at an increased likelihood of acquiring nosocomial infections. Showing accurate adherence to the nursing infection control strategies that includes use of CHG washcloths will help the nurses to interpret their concerns for the patients and the former will be able to better aniticipate the preferences and demands of the patients. This will directly improve patient health outcomes and enhance job satisfaction. Use of information in workplace The steps of using 2% CHG impregnated washcloths and their benefits can be disseminated in the workplace (healthcare setting) by creating illustrative posters or pamphlets that will contain relevant information on the same. It will improve knowledge and skills of the staff in the area of infection control and prevention, and will also provide a concise idea of the steps that need to be taken for limiting infection rates. Reflection One way that can be implemented in current practice is conduction of weekly meetings and discussions that will focus on informing all healthcare personnel of their infection control priorities and cleaning standards that must be followed in the healthcare organisation. It will make the healthcare professionals conscious and they will be able to meet the necessary health guidelines. All healthcare workers, in addition to the management will also gain a sound understanding of their responsibilities in relation to infection control. Issues that require further research and evaluation Further research should be conducted on determining effectiveness of skin wipes or washcloths that are impregnated with herbal extracts for preventing spread of pathogens. This will act as an essential step in preventing infection among home-bound patients or those living in regions with no access to CHG washcloths. References Bass, P., Karki, S., Rhodes, D., Gonelli, S., Land, G., Watson, K., Spelman, D., Harrington, G., Kennon, J. and Cheng, A.C., 2013. Impact of chlorhexidine-impregnated washcloths on reducing incidence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci colonization in hematologyoncology patients.American journal of infection control,41(4), pp.345-348. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention., 2012. Vital signs: preventing Clostridium difficile infections.MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report,61(9), p.157. Climo, M.W., Yokoe, D.S., Warren, D.K., Perl, T.M., Bolon, M., Herwaldt, L.A., Weinstein, R.A., Sepkowitz, K.A., Jernigan, J.A., Sanogo, K. and Wong, E.S., 2013. Effect of daily chlorhexidine bathing on hospital-acquired infection.New England Journal of Medicine,368(6), pp.533-542. Huang, H.P., Chen, B., Wang, H.Y. and He, M., 2016. The efficacy of daily chlorhexidine bathing for preventing healthcare-associated infections in adult intensive care units.The Korean journal of internal medicine,31(6), p.1159. Krein, S.L., Kowalski, C.P., Hofer, T.P. and Saint, S., 2012. Preventing hospital-acquired infections: a national survey of practices reported by US hospitals in 2005 and 2009.Journal of general internal medicine,27(7), pp.773-779. Rosenthal, V.D., Richtmann, R., Singh, S., Apisarnthanarak, A., Kbler, A., Viet-Hung, N., Ramrez-Wong, F.M., Portillo-Gallo, J.H., Toscani, J., Gikas, A. and Dueas, L., 2013. Surgical site infections, International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) report, data summary of 30 countries, 20052010.Infection Control Hospital Epidemiology,34(6), pp.597-604. Rupp, M.E., Cavalieri, R.J., Lyden, E., Kucera, J., Martin, M., Fitzgerald, T., Tyner, K., Anderson, J.R. and VanSchooneveld, T.C., 2012. Effect of hospital-wide chlorhexidine patient bathing on healthcare-associated infections.Infection Control Hospital Epidemiology,33(11), pp.1094-1100. Tacconelli, E., Cataldo, M.A., Dancer, S.J., Angelis, G., Falcone, M., Frank, U., Kahlmeter, G., Pan, A., Petrosillo, N., Rodrguez?Bao, J. and Singh, N., 2014. ESCMID guidelines for the management of the infection control measures to reduce transmission of multidrug?resistant Gram?negative bacteria in hospitalized patients.Clinical Microbiology and Infection,20(s1), pp.1-55.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Schneiders Foods Marketing Mix
Introduction The purpose of this report is to evaluate the marketing mix of Schneiders food, past marketing strategies and prospects in the future to suggest changes.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Schneiders Food’s Marketing Mix specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Company Background The last large traditional manufacturing plants â€Å"Schneiders food†established in Canada In 1890 to produce packaged processed meats, poultry and grocery products; this company runs as a subsidiary of Maple Leaf Foods (Schneiders 1 and Mercer 1). Marketing Mix of Schneiders Food (Maple Leaf Foods) Products Schneiders Food, being a brand of Maple Leaf Food, offers a wide variety of products like Bacon, Cold-Cuts-and-Deli-Meats, Ham, Hot Dogs, Sausages, ham stuffed tomatoes, Country-Naturals, and Lunchmate as well as many other items. According to MLF (1), Maple Leaf Food offers high quality products through br ands like Schneiders, Dempster’s, POM, Mitchell’s Gourmet-Foods, Bon-Matin, Burns, Olivieri, Maple Leaf Prime Naturally, and so on; moreover, products like Dempster’s and Bon-Matin-Healthy-Way with ProCardio are exclusive recipes designed to maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure-levels; conversely, ThinkFOOD is formed to expand the company’s bakery and protein-based products. The company’s Meat-Products-Group comprises value-added fresh-meats, chilled and ready-to-cook products, ready-to-serve products, and packaged-meats; moreover, Bakery-Products-Group comprises breads, rolls, ethnic-breads, bagels, croissants, morning-goods, baked-goods, and pastas, whereas the Agribusiness-Products-Group possesses biodiesel production and hog production operations Price According to the annual report 2011 of Maple Leaf Foods, it increased the price of packaged meat products due to volatility of the price of raw meat products and the rationale of this strategy was to increase aggregate profit margin this firm. On the other hand, Mercer (1) stated that it needed to invest large amount in order to expand its business operation in Hamilton and other place; therefore, the management of this company decided to boost the price. At the same time, the management of parent company of Schneiders food increased the price to balance the restructuring costs of $2.5 million and to face the challenge of operating costs, for example, annual income from poultry processing business decreased drastically because of continuous raises in live bird costs.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Place Packaged food products of this company was popular both in national and international markets (particularly in the American and European market), for example, in home, it operated in Ontario, Manitoba, Quebec and British Columbia; however, Maple Leaf Foods would like to restructure the business by starting operation in new place or closing unprofitable centers (Schneiders 1 and Mercer 1). In 2000, it had 22 operating facilities along with 5000 staff (excluding retail market) to offer above 1000 products in the US and Canada; however, the marketers of this company expanded its operation the European market particularly Italian market following joint venture strategy and took technological supports from various partners, for example, Cappola Food, Mitchell’s Gourmet Foods and so on. Promotion Apart from a number of advertising methods conducted by Maple Leaf Foods, its brand Schneiders undertakes promotional activities based on its individual products; for example, discount of one dollar on subsequent purchases of Lunchmate and Fruit, and coupon to save one dollar on any pack of Schneider’s Juicy Jumbos, Red Hots and Grill ‘Ems products. However, it is arguable that rather than offering various types of pr omotional codes, Schneiders mainly focuses on promotional activity based on small discounts on the products, which creates boredom among customers; moreover, the method of offering the discounts are also not lucrative. Assessment of How Well the Marketing Strategies Worked In the Past In order to assess the extent to which the marketing mix of the company has worked in the past, it is essential to look at the financial highlights and past sales figures of the company. It is arguable that the marketing strategies have worked well in the past as the financial position and sales figures indicate that in the past, the company has performed better than its competitors and in comparison to its own position presently. The following figure shows the past performance of the company in terms of sales, financial position, and earnings per share in order to illustrate that the marketing strategies have worked well in the past, because of which the situation was better in 2005 – 2006 peri od: Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Schneiders Food’s Marketing Mix specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Figure 1: The past performance Source: MLF (1) Prospects in the Next Few Years According to MLF (2), the sales of the company has fell gradually from 2007 to 2011; in addition, although most of the multinational corporations has already recovered from the global financial crisis, falling sales in this stage when the economy is booming indicates that there are certain deficiencies in the marketing strategies of the business presently. Although the marketing strategies have worked well in the past, this requires modifications at this stage so that the consumer demands do not fall in future because of boredom with the company’s products, or because of monotonous promotional strategies. There is a requirement for diversification in the product line and initiation to offer attractive promotiona l packages. Otherwise, in the next few years, the revenues of the company will diminish significantly; however, the following figure shows how the present performance of the company is deteriorating: Figure 2: The present performanceAdvertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Source: MLF (2) Need for Change Product Because of inadequate present performance, it is necessary for the company to diversify its product line to increase the customer base; moreover, in order to boost sales, the company should offer attractive promotional packages. Price Present pricing strategy of Maple Leaf Foods needs to change though the pricing structure played vital role for the success of last year; however, it requires change because the purchasing power of the customer has decreased all over the world; therefore, it should reduce present pricing strategy to increase large customer base in local and foreign packaged processed food markets. On the other hand, Flaming (2) presented audit report on energy savings in meat processing and stated that Schneiders food had tried to reduce operating costs to offer products at comparatively lower price, for instance, it saved about $78,000 by reducing warm stand-by boiler; however, following figure shows more elaborately – F igure 3: – Steam System Energy Savings Source: – Flaming (2) Figure 4: – Refrigeration System Energy Savings Source: – Flaming (2) In this context, Maple Leaf Foods will lose strong customer base of Schneiders food if it not restructure its pricing strategy. At the same time, if the management if this company seems that they will not change pricing strategy, then they must have to rethink about their marketing plan along with value creation program. Place Business expansion strategy of Schneiders Food before acquisition was relatively slow, but effective to gain competitive advantages and increase profit margin from international market; however, the aim of this company was to consider the development of the product Life Cycle to expand its market. Mercer (1) provided information about the expansion plan in the local market and the annual report Maple Leaf Foods did not give any clear idea in this regard, but from the scenario, it can assume that Schneid ers Food followed the Uppsala internationalization model, which recommends the company to develop business in local market and starts internationalization from psychically near. According to this internationalization model, the growth would be slow; thus, this report suggests Schneiders Food to consider other expansion model, such as, born global to concentrate on rapid expansion in the prospective market like Asian market. Promotion Instead of focusing on monotonous small discounts only, there should be interesting promotional packages, for example, setting special offers for New Year festivals, Christmas Eve, Valentines Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Halloween by means of special vouchers, promotional codes, and special reductions for loyal customers. On the other hand, it is notable that Maple Leaf Food has not effectively used social media in marketing the products of its Schneiders brand – as a result, there is inadequate advertisement of the brand in such an important media. By advertising through Google +, Foursquare, Twitter, Myspace, or Hi5, the company will be able to inform a large number of people about the products at the same time; this is because today, people of almost every country use this social networks to connect with the outer world notwithstanding the geography, age, gender, martial status, education, or cultures. Social-networking-websites are awesome for constructing consumer relationships; moreover, it is quite simple to connect with consumers at social websites through which the company can provide helpful information about products and update information frequently; conversely, Schneiders could share consumers’ experiences and ask for feedback; in addition, consumers will also enjoy joining the community to find information about what to buy. Works Cited Flaming, Dennis. Energy Savings in Meat Processing. 2011. Web. Mercer, Greg. Maple Leaf Foods closing Kitchener Schneider’s plant, 1,200 job s to be lost. 2011. Web. MLF. A little bit about us. 2008. Web. MLF. Annual Report of Maple Leaf Foods. 2011. Web. MLF. Investor Fact Sheet. 2008. Web. Schneiders. Overview of Schneiders food. 2011. Web. This research paper on Schneiders Food’s Marketing Mix was written and submitted by user Jazmin Lott to help you with your own studies. 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