Saturday, May 23, 2020
Low Carbohydrate Diets vs Low Fat Diets Free Essay Example, 1250 words
Hence, low carbohydrate diets and low fat diets have been examined by researchers, to decide on their efficacy for weight loss and improved health. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to compare low carbohydrate diets with low fat diets, and to examine the weight loss and health outcomes of both types of diets. Comparison of Low Carbohydrate Diets with Low Fat Diets Overweight and obese conditions are precursors of metabolic syndrome characterised by abnormal distribution of plasma fatty acids and increased inflammation, dyslipidemia and glycemia. Forsythe, Phinney, Fernandez et al (2008) investigated the use of a low carbohydrate diet on the components of metabolic sydrome. They found that â€Å"a very low carbohydrate diet resulted in profound alterations in fatty acid composition and reduced inflammation compared to a low fat diet†(Forsythe et al, 2008, p. 65). The NHR (2011) observe that limiting carbohydrates, and not calories help to reduce liver fats more rapidly. This is supported by NHR (2010) who state that low carbohydrate diets burn more excess liver fat than low calorie diets. We will write a custom essay sample on Low Carbohydrate Diets vs Low Fat Diets or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now USA Today (2010) reiterate that low carbohydrate diets burn more fat than low calorie diets. The reason is that for people on low carbohydrate diets there is greater dependence on the oxidation of fat in the liver for energy, than for those on low calorie diets (USA Today). A study conducted by the South Western Medical Center, Dallas, found that after 2 weeks, the average weight loss experienced by the low carbohydrate dieters was 9.5 pounds, while that of the low calorie dieters was 5 pounds (USA Today, 2010). A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials was conducted by Nordmann et al (2006). The researchers found that low carbohydrate diets were more useful than low fat diets in leading to weight loss after 6 months, however reduction in weight was not found after 12 months of follow-up (Nordmann et al, 2006). In relation to cardiovascular risk factors as well as changes in blood pressure, both low carbohydrate and low fat diets had similar benefits (Nordmann et al, 2006). As compared to the low carbohydrate group, the low fat group lost more low density lipoprotein cholestrol (LDL-C) (Nordmann et al, 2006). On the other hand, the low carbohydrate group experienced a more beneficial change in â€Å"high density lipoprotein cholestrol (HDL-C) and triglyceride values†(Nordmann et al, 2006, p. 292). Nordmann et al (2006) consider the research findings to be inadequate for making recommendations â€Å"for or against the use of low carbohydrate diets to induce weight loss, especially for durations longer than 6 months†(Nordmann et al, 2006, p. 292).
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Essay on Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale - 1419 Words
Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale Love of God replaces love of humanity in Margaret Atwood’s, The Handmaid’s Tale. Offred’s recollections of her past life, especially of her husband, are ones filled with passion and happiness as she remembers his tenderness towards her. Much more emphasis is put on the physical human form in her memories; she often remembers lying with her husband while she wears little or no clothing. Appreciation of the human form is an essential component of loving humanity. Offred remembers the love she felt for her friends with whom she enjoyed spending time and conversing. When her friend is taken away, Offred spends much time mourning the loss of this person from her life. She also longs, throughout the†¦show more content†¦Sex is made into a ritual for two reasons, both of which revolve around worship of God. First it is our duty as humans to continue the existence of our species because God intended us to. Therefore, if people cannot be trusted to procreate inde pendently, reproduction must be government managed. Secondly, sex for any reason other than for reproductive purposes is against God’s will, so the fundamentalist government in the novel eliminates sex that it not government run. For religious reasons, Offred’s mental and physical well being is not viewed as important. To put too much emphasis on an individual is to give them an importance outside the scope of what God intended. As a lieutenant of God on earth, Offred is expected to devote her entire being to God without concern for her own troubles. The government here tries to force on its subjects the ultimate piety, wherein all else is absent from life except for God. Finally, the human form is given little importance here out of respect for God. God intended modesty on the part of human beings, therefore there are regulations on what the women may wear. The loss of basic humanity in favor of piety is the central theme of The Handmaid’s Tale, and it is this theme that I attempted to portray in my collection of images. It took a long time for me to come up with any ideas for my pictures. The first inspiration that struck when I was trying to findShow MoreRelated Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale Essay1246 Words  | 5 PagesMargaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale In The Handmaids Tale, Margaret Atwood tells a saddening story about a not-to-distant future where toxic chemicals and abuses of the human body have resulted in many men and women alike becoming sterile. The main character, Offred, gives a first person encounter about her subservient life as a handmaid in the Republic of Gilead, a republic formed after a bloody coup against the United States government. She and her fellow handmaids are fertile women thatRead More Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale Essay962 Words  | 4 PagesMargaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale The Historical Notes are important in the way we perceive the novel as they answer many important questions raised by the novel and also enhance some of the novels main themes. The first question it answers is the one raised at the end of the novel; that is whether Offred is stepping up into the,darkness, or the, light. The reader finds out that Offred escaped Gilead, presumably into Canada, with the help of the,Underground Femaleroad. TheRead MoreEssay on The Dystopia in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale1098 Words  | 5 PagesThe Dystopia in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale Offred is a Handmaid in what used to be the United States, now the theocratic Republic of Gilead. In order to create Gileads idea of a more perfect society, they have reverted to taking the Book of Genesis at its word. Women no longer have any privileges; they cannot work, have their own bank accounts, or own anything. The also are not allowed to read or even chose who they want to marry. Women are taught that they should be subservientRead More Representation of Colors in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale1774 Words  | 8 PagesRepresentation of Colors in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale Imagine if you can, living in a world that tells you what you are to wear, where to live, as well as your position and value to society. In Margaret Atwoods novel, The Handmaids Tale, she shows us the Republic of Gilead does just that. Offred, the main character, is a Handmaid, whose usefulness is her ovaries. Handmaids are ordered to live in a house with a Commander, his wife, and once a month attempt to become pregnant byRead MoreEssay on Feminism in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale1096 Words  | 5 PagesFeminism in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale In The Handmaids Tale, Margaret Atwood explores the role that women play in society and the consequences of a countryà s value system. She reveals that values held in the United States are a threat to the livelihood and status of women. As one critic writes, â€Å"the author has concluded that present social trends are dangerous to individual welfare†(Prescott 151). The novel is set in the near future in Gilead, formerly the U.S., at a time whenRead MoreEssay on Feminist Ideas in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale1199 Words  | 5 PagesFeminist Ideas in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale For this essay, we focused strictly on critics reactions to Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale. For the most part, we found two separate opinions about The Handmaids Tale, concerning feminism. One opinion is that it is a feminist novel, and the opposing opinion that it is not. Feminism: A doctrine advocating social, political, and economic rights for women equal to those of men as recorded in Websters Dictionary. This topic is prevalentRead MoreFeminism Lost in Margaret Atwood’s A Handmaid’s Tale Essay1527 Words  | 7 PagesIn Margaret Atwood’s A Handmaid’s Tale, the human spirit has evolved to such a point that it cannot be subdued by complacency. Atwood shows Gilead as an extremist state with strong religious connotations. We see the outcome of the reversal of women’s rights and a totalitarian government which is based on reproduction. Not only is the government oppressive, but we see the female roles support and enable the oppression of ot her female characters. â€Å"This is an open ended text,†¦conscious of the possibilitiesRead MoreEssay Romantic Love in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale1385 Words  | 6 PagesRomantic Love in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale In her novel The Handmaids Tale, Margaret Atwood addresses the concept of different expression of romantic love through the eyes of Offred, a woman who has lost almost all her freedom to a repressive, dystopic society. Throughout her struggle against oppression and guilt, Offreds view evolves, and it is through this process that Atwood demonstrates the nature of love as it develops under the most austere of circumstances. The firstRead More Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale: Novel and Film Essay2075 Words  | 9 PagesMargaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale: Novel and Film The Handmaids Tale, a science-fiction novel written by Margaret Atwood, focuses on womens rights and what could happen to them in the future. This novel was later made into a movie in 1990. As with most cases of books made into movies, there are some similarities and differences between the novel and the film. Overall the film tends to stay on the same track as the book with a few minor details changed, and only two major differences. Read MoreThe Satire of Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale Essay example497 Words  | 2 PagesThe Handmaids Tale has been described as a scathing satire and a dire warning! Which elements of our own society is Margaret atwood satirising and how does her satire work ? Atwood tries to open our eyes by satirising our society with a brilliant contrasting novel. Dystopian in every way, the reader encounters a world in which modern values of our society seem/ are replaceable. Showing the worst of all possible outcomes, she demonstrates that our primarily heartless, just economical thinking
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Conceptual Art Essay - 690 Words
Seema Vittal Serigara – z3329377 Mapping the Post Modern – SAHT1102 Essay Question 2: - Using Examples, discuss why and how Conceptual artists set out to destroy or undermine the value of physical pleasure in art’s making and reception. Conceptual Art maybe defined as a concept or art movement that came about the 1960’s as a reaction towards formalism. Where in art theory, formalism is a concept where an artwork or piece’s entire artistic value is based purely on its form and visual aspects. For example, American essayist/art critic, Clement Greenberg suggested the notion that art should examine its own nature and was already a potent aspect of vision of Modern art during the 1950’s. However with the mergence of conceptual artists†¦show more content†¦Those elements that ran counter to this nature were to be reduced. The task of painting, for example, was to define precisely what kind of object a painting truly is: what makes it a painting and nothing else? As it is of the nature of paintings to be flat objects with canvas surfaces onto which coloured pigment is applied, such things as figuration, 3-D perspective illusion and references to external subject matter were all found to be ex traneous to the essence of painting, and ought to be removed (Rorimer, 11). On the other hand, some have argued that conceptual art continued this dematerialization of art by removing the need for objects altogether. Also others including many of the artists themselves saw conceptual art as a radical break with Greenbergs kind of formalist Modernism. However, by the end of the 1960s it was certainly clear that Greenbergs stipulations for art to continue within the confines of each medium and to exclude external subject matter no longer held traction (Rorimer, 12). Conceptual art also reacted against the commodification of art where it attempted to sabotage the gallery or museum as the main location and determiner of art, and the art market as the owner and distributor of art. Lawrence Weiner said and quote that Once you know about a work of mine you own it. Theres no way I can climb inside somebodys head and remove it. Many conceptual artists work canShow MoreRelatedThe Great Artists Of The Conceptual Art Movement1891 Words  | 8 PagesWhen one thinks of Art the most popular image is of great works, famous for their visually pleasing and intellectually rousing qualities. These works, aside from being visually and intellectually stimulating, have been used to challenge and encourage an audience to think about what it’s representing in flexible and open-minded ways, this is usually done by shocking the audience out of their â€Å"complacency†when viewing artworks. The great artists of the Conceptual Art movement especially emp hasisedRead MoreJoseph Kosuth s Argument That Conceptual Art1247 Words  | 5 PagesThis essay shall explore Joseph Kosuth’s argument that Conceptual Art requires art to shift from morphology to function; and therefore will investigate the meaning of this argument and how it has affected artistic practice. It will explain the importance of how this argument has changed the way the audience think about art. Subsequently it will outline several points of his argument and then expand and explore them in more depth. To define the artistic terminology used above, the term morphologyRead MoreAbstract Art : Art And Conceptual Art2921 Words  | 12 Pagesof readymade forms in the art world. Particularly, it focuses on two art movements that come to challenge the notion of art: found art and conceptual art. Both conceptual art and found art challenge the unity between form and content in art. Both seek the superiority of the one in opposition to the other, that is, form in fou nd art and content in conceptual art. But could art survive merely as form or concept? According to Danto, the meaning of these works and their art identity does not depend onRead MoreThe Conceptual Connection Between Art And Aesthetics2378 Words  | 10 PagesJoseph Kosuth claims his art is purely conceptual. What does this mean? Is he saying the work only exists as a conception, an idea? Can we therefore assume visual judgements have no relevance to his works – or in that case the work of other Conceptual artists? Is he also saying that when the work is ’made’ (by this I mean displayed to his laid out instructions) it has no visual base to educate and tell the concept or idea he wishes to be measured? Does he require his art work be considered to haveRead MoreEssay on Yoko Ono: Alternative and Conceptual Art Genius1111 Words  | 5 Pagesbeing a fantastic alternative artist. Ono focuses on installation, performance, and conceptual art. Installation art is defined by the artist taking a whole space, room, or building like a museum and transforming it into their art exhibit. The patrons walk in to see an exhibit and are encompassed not only by the art, but the emotions that fill the room that is being portrayed by the artwork (DeWitte 240). Conceptual art is made when an artist comes up with an idea but the making and follow through isRead MoreDadaism and Conceptual Art: Marcel Duchamp1324 Words  | 6 Pagespractical setting and raised to the prestige of art by the action of an artist’s choice and label. Marcel Duchamp was a French-American painter and sculptor. His work is linked with Dadaism and conceptual art, a movement that examined suppositions of what art must be, and in what way it should be arranged. Duchamp has had an enormous influence on twentieth-century and twenty first-century art, impelling the development of post–World War I Western art. Alongside Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse, DuchampRead MoreConsumerism Is All Around Us747 Words  | 3 Pageshow fare we are willing to go to obtain material possessions. Moreover, we are asked to reevaluate if money truly can buy happiness. The exhibition I $hop Therefore I Am uses contemporary art from a wide range of artists to explore the theme of consumerism in modern society. This exhibition adopts a conceptual and narrative curatorial strategy to convey this all-encompassing theme. The groundbreaking nature of the exhibition is reflected in its title, I $hop Therefore I Am. The title itself impliesRead MoreWriting Poetry Around The Age Of Twenty1257 Words  | 6 Pagesstill read today. Works of genius. Rimbaud’s poems seemed fully formed when they hit the page. Rimbaud was a genius. I, on the other hand, was not. I was a genius, therefore, I could to do whatever I wanted as an artist. At sixteen, I created a conceptual art space called â€Å"Arsenic Basement†in the cellar of my mother’s house. A few years later, I wrote a long poem on a single roll of adding machine tape – writing a little bit every day at a typewriter I kept by my New York City apartment window. IRead MoreWhy I Chose Vanessa Place Is Not A Performance Poet963 Words  | 4 PagesXtra Art Quarterly and The Iowa Review, as well as an occasional screenwriter. Place is also a pioneer of sorts. She was one of the first poets into conceptualism. Place wrote Notes on Conceptualisms, a book of notes that define and are examples of what conceptualism consists of. Appeals of Vanessa Place I chose Vanessa Place because I have hopes of going to law school and am struck with awe to see how structural yet creative Place can be. Place is not a performance poet. This conceptual poetRead MoreThe Fault in Conceptual Artists Essay1250 Words  | 5 PagesThis essay will focus on why and how conceptual artists sets out to destroy or undermine the value of physical pleasure in arts making and reception. In order to discuss this issue, first we need to look back on history to examine the historical context of Conceptual Art. During 1960s, the world is in a turbulent state experiencing all sorts of crises . After the World War One and the World War Two, the traditional value and institutional system had been overthrown. The collapse of old world politics
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Luck of the Draw - 1120 Words
| 2014 | | Candeis Gaylord Eng. 102- C07 _LOU | [The luck of the Draw] | | Gambling Lottery and Betting Are we all winners or losers Not everyone can be a winner Plot A. Major plot of each story Betting Lottery B. Characters 1. Paul Tessie C. Similarities vs. Differences 1. Paul and Tessie similarities Paul and Tessie differences Setting A. Paul 1. Rocking Horse Race Track B. Tessie 1. Village Town Square C. Privacy verses publicly 1. Paul and his room Tessie in the middle of the square Conclusion A. Types of gambling- win or lose B. Gambling, Plot, Setting C. Not everyone is a winner someone has to lose * * * * * * *†¦show more content†¦Paul truly believed he was lucky, lucky enough to see the winning horse finish the race. It was a sure bet for him and would provide his family with money. Tessie was not as fortunate as Paul to have a lucky horse. Tessie had nothing to help her win in this lottery. As we have learned lottery is just the luck of the draw. As we also learned with Paul it was very lucky to have your winner pulled. In Tessie’s lottery it meant a stoning was going to take place. It meant a life was going to end that day no matter what. The rocking horse was more than just a rocking horse to Paul. It was more of a way for Paul to see the future of happy times with his family. It was means to something more, a better life through making more money for his family. With Tessie there was a box. A box that held the future of one family member’s fate whether this year it was going to be her family or another family it was still understood what was to happen. Someone was going to be a loser. Paul and Tessie both died for their families. Paul died in the privacy of his home only after placing the biggest bet on the Derby. While Tessie even though the story does not say she died it is indicated that she is going to die from being stoned to death. While Paul may have never thought he was going to die and Tessie may have known it was a possibility she could die they both did what they had to do for their family. Whether you are betting on a horse as PaulShow MoreRelatedFiction Essay1012 Words  | 5 PagesShirley Jackson’s, â€Å"The Lottery†. With the classic theme of â€Å"luck†and what that means in each story, we see two very different meanings as these two stories unfold. In â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner†, we see the protagonist, Paul, who endlessly searches and somewhat attains luck in his search for his mother’s monetary desire. Within the lines of â€Å"The Lottery†, however, we see a quaint satirical setting of towns’ folk who gather together and draw papers from a black box to ultimately decide who is to beRead MoreClass With A Higher Energy Output1321 Words  | 6 PagesThe Participant in this session co-worker Ted, Ted started out by choosing the class with a higher energy output, He then began building out his character sheet and proceeded to draw for his buff unfortunately he drew on and lost an action in the process , which curved his main goal To land on blue and green panels into shooting straight for the finish only taking alternative routes after choosing to land on green or blue panels, this method seem to work more efficiently when the move rates wereRead MoreSuperstitions : Superstition And Superstition1689 Words  | 7 Pagesworld that people hear about, but what exactly makes a superstition? Is there a definition known throughout for One source says that they are â€Å"a belief or an action that is inconsistent with science and needs to be aimed at bringing good luck or avoiding bad luck†(â€Å"Superstitions: Why You Believe†). Superstitions themselves can range from any small action that someone does to help their chances. Whether it is a lucky pair of socks or avoiding walking underneath a ladder, these little quirks peopleRead MoreThe Importance Of Success874 Words  | 4 PagesEver wondered about success, and how people can achieve success? Do people know ho w to develop a path towards success? Do people know what is the role of luck in success? Success is a result of effort, developing a path, and luck. Success is something that people need to provide energy of some sort like effort to become successful in his/her life. Mainly effort is related to success by improving skills, preparing for future opportunities, and becoming a professional. One of the best ways toRead MoreMovie Analysis : Candy Land1387 Words  | 6 PagesCandy Land is a fun imaginative game in which friend’s journey across a magical land out of candy in search of the missing king. Anyone, ages 3 and up, can join in the game and feel how it is to be a kid again. The rules are simple. Draw a card, move to the corresponding space, and hope you’re lucky enough to be the one to reach the end of the board and find the location of the candy king. There are many special cards included in the drawing pile that influence how far forward or backwards a playersRead MoreAristotle s Role Of Luck And Chance As Causes For Change1411 Words  | 6 Pageseach event is an important step in accomplishing this goal. Aristotle specifically investigates the role of luck and chance as causes of change. Although we commonly speak of luck or chance as being a cause, Aristotle purposefully refrains from including them in his explanation of causes. When giving an account of our observable world, I agree with Aristotle in that there is no place for luck and chance as causes of events, yet I believe they do have a role, namely in predicting future events. AristotleRead MoreMy Favorite Gemstone783 Words  | 4 PagesProjection, beauty, luck, magickal power, the Elements of both Air and Water. It is said that if someone born in October wears a gold ring with an Opal Gemstone in it on their right index finger then they will have good luck. I have always believed that my Opal necklace brought me good luck when ever I wore it. So I believe the reasons Ive been so drawn to the Opal is because of like I stated before its such a beautiful stone, but also because of it being associated with luck and the Moon, and IveRead MoreEssay about The Rocking Horse vs Lottery996 Words  | 4 Pageswhich a small New England town randomly draws one person’s name to be the winner of the lottery. This lucky person will neither win money nor a special prize; instead are stoned to death by the rest of the community. This story gives a different meaning to the event called a lottery. D.H. Lawrence proves many points by using the following themes: obsession for money, trying to win a mother’s love and affection, gaining no affection after achieving such luck, and death. The Rocking-Horse WinnerRead MoreYunnan Luck Air Case Study Essay1721 Words  | 7 Pages1. What are Yunnan Lucky Air’s best options? Luck Air had a great business model, and that was to follow the same model as Southwest Airlines in the United States. Because Luck Air is considered a domestic airline in China they operate on a small scale compared to major competitors and so it made economical sense to offer low-cost, high-efficiency to their customers. In 2007 Lucky Air was able to more than double the amount of passengers from the year before by using a low-cost tactic. HoweverRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan1192 Words  | 5 Pages(H) The life of women has drastically changed throughout the ages. (CIS) The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan portrays life in America and in China in the 1930’s for women. (GS1) When stories are true, there is more power behind them. (GS2) Novels need accuracy for the book to have feeling. (GS3) A rave-worthy novel needs truth to really draw the reader in. (thesis) Author Amy Tan accurately portrays life for Chinese women in the 1930’s and it enhances the power of th e novel because the stories have true
A Wanderlust Blueprint for Taipei and Taiwan Free Essays
Taipei is the capital city of Taiwan, and is known perhaps most prominently for its famous landmark skyscraper, Taipei 101. There’s a multi-level shopping mall adjoined to the tower, containing hundreds of fashionable stores, restaurants, and clubs. Being the bookworm that I am, I visit Page One first, a huge bookstore with both Chinese and English books. We will write a custom essay sample on A Wanderlust Blueprint for Taipei and Taiwan or any similar topic only for you Order Now After that, I decide to treat myself to a shopping spree – after all, I am on vacation. When I’m through, I decide to visit the observatory on the 89th floor. I’d read somewhere that the observatory elevators here are the fastest in the world, capable of traveling from the fifth floor to the 89th floor in just 37 seconds. I squeeze into a crowded elevator and set my stopwatch. Exactly 37 seconds later, the doors open with a ping. Wow. Maybe I can get one of these for my apartment. Then I hear the tour guide informing a group of Japanese tourists that each elevator costs US$2.4 million. On second thought, I think I’ll scratch that idea. Simply put, the view is amazing. There’s no other way to say it. I take advantage of the fact that the observatory offers a full, undivided, 360 degree view, and take several panorama pictures. I dally at the gift shop for a couple of minutes, inwardly debating whether or not I should spend NT$1500 on an I’VE BEEN TO TAIPEI 101 t-shirt. In the end, I purchase it anyway, after managing to convince myself that NT$1500 is not that expensive for a souvenir shirt. I proceed to visit the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. It’s an incredible monument that was erected in the memory of Chiang Kai-shek, former President of the Republic of China. The whole thing is surrounded by a park and a large square, in which both the National Concert Hall and the National Theater are located. I set off for the National Concert Hall, but to my dismay, am told by the lady at the ticket office there that there are no performances scheduled today. Disappointed, I decide instead to walk the expanse of the park. There are large lakes with loads of fish in them, and I buy several handfuls of fish food from a nearby vending machine. It’s fun to throw the food in and watch all the fish swarm together like bees towards pollen. Afterwards, I decide to head to Shihlin Night Market. I take the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) from Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Station, past Taipei Main Station, to Jiantan Station. The journey takes me about 20 minutes. I swear I’m in love with the transport system here. It’s fast, it’s cheap, and it’s so clear. There are English announcements and notices all over the place. I’ve only been here for a couple of days, but the system is so easy to understand, I feel like an old-timer already. It’s crowded at Shihlin Night Market, and I find myself travelling down what I would describe as the main alley. Shops of every kind line the two sides, and there are smaller alleys that branch off. The sheer amount and variety of products being sold are quite dazzling, as they range from clothes, novelties, and cosmetics, to toys, electronics, and food. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by the wide audience that Shihlin receives, but I am, sort of. I’ve seen families with young children, big groups of laughing teenagers, middle-aged couples holding hands, and older people shuffling around. I’ve also spotted some foreigners, who, like me, probably just want to experience what the infamous Shihlin Night Market has to offer. I have to say, I’m quite impressed. I didn’t expect this place to present any sort of entertainment for small children, but I must’ve passed at least 20 games of miniature hoops, ring toss, small pinball machines, and catch the turtles/ fishes by now. I sit down at a small table in a food stall, and tentatively order a plate of chou dou fu – stinky tofu; apparently it’s a Taiwanese specialty. Two minutes later, a plate of steaming hot tofu is set in front of me. To my surprise, it’s actually pretty good. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll work up the nerve to try tian je – frogs’ legs. How to cite A Wanderlust Blueprint for Taipei and Taiwan, Papers
Gender Differences Essay Example For Students
Gender Differences Essay When each of us was in our mother’s womb and shortly after we were conceived we did not have anything or anyone influencing the way we acted. After birth within a couple of months, although we do not remember but we can observe, our fathers and mothers were bearing an influence on our lives. While we were growing up and still to this day our surroundings influenced the way we think and behaved in our daily lives. We know people who are different in many ways and people who are similar to us in many ways. These differences and similarities take on different characteristics some are more subtle and some are very out right noticeable. However, for each individual the differences and similarities from one person to the next are going to vary in different ways. People all have relationships and these relations are how we identify with our friends and other people. One of the most noticeable characteristics between all people is the fact that some are male and some are female. On th e other hand the masculine and feminine traits in people are not nearly as noticeable even though all people show characteristics of both. The differences in males and females to most people are obvious; their biology is different causing them to have different sexual traits. They have different organs and different chemicals that make a man a male and a woman a female. However, biology is not selective within one generation and does not choose the characteristics males and females portray throughout their lives. I say one generation because an example of color blindness is brought up on page 16, but this is a random selection of one generation to the next generation in males. Also, some characteristics are learned and some are instinctive. I believe that much of society has played a role in what the male and the female so-called identities are today. An outrageous example being that the female is to stay at home with the kids and the male is to go off to work and support the family . Let me say this; I would love to stay home and have my wife go off to work, not that it is easy but I just don’t like work. These traits that people portray have been a cause of culture bearing down on society for a long time influencing people to become masculine or feminine. Though this is a tough statement to defend because it has been happening for so long that it seems normal. It seems as though there is a direct relationship between the male being masculine and the female being feminine, but is there?After the reading and thinking in depth about this subject I now question the actual relationship of the masculine male and the feminine female. To put an answer to my stated question I would say that in today’s society the two are directly related. Society has forced males to be the masculine guys that work on cars drink beers and watch football. And in just the opposite case the women have been molded to think that they are supposed to cook dinner and clean the h ouse. More frequently however, I have seen somewhat of an evening out in the role of the standard male and female. As people become more educated and better understand that females and males are just biologically different in some ways people seem to be realizing that they do not have to play a masculine or feminine role in life. Males are doing what may have been considered a more feminine task and females are taking on more masculine tasks in life. More equality is being achieved through individualization and education, and society is realizing that just because a female shows masculine traits or vice versa does not mean they want to be a male or a female. .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8 , .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8 .postImageUrl , .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8 , .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8:hover , .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8:visited , .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8:active { border:0!important; } .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8:active , .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8 .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ube2d4b19284bd804a29f409559854db8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Christopher Columbus Essay With the knowledge that I have gained from the reading and the beginning discussions of class I believe that sex and gender are well defined for most use in common-day language. The author of the first article, Gentile (pg. 14), went overboard in trying to think of 5 terms to describe these two different words. I agree more with Deaux (pg. 22) in the sense that a clarification of each word could be taught, like â€Å"sex linked†or â€Å"gender linked.†This clarification would help people better understand that male and female roles do not have to be quite as closely associated as people believed in the past. This would alleviate much of the societal pressures and influences that come with the masculine and feminine definitions used to describe a person’s traits. Bibliography:Man-Made medicine and Women’s Health: The Biopolitics of Sex/Gender and Race/Ethnicity. In: Questions of Gender: Perspectives and Paradoxes. (Anselmi, D.L., A.L. Law, editors), McGraw Hill, 665-689.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Business Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Question: Discuss about the Business Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Answer: Introduction The Supply Chain Management is one of the important functions of an organization that is concerned with the administration of the flow of the services as well as products of the particular company (Christopher 2016). It is concerned with the inventory and transport as well as storage capabilities of the raw materials. This report deals with the logistics challenges faced during the process of transporting the locomotives, thermal coal and wagons for the construction of a railway line from Central Western Queensland to Abbot Point Port located in the Northeast Queensland. The challenges of the logistics are discussed in detail with focus on two key areas. Aim The objective of this report is to identify the logistics challenges during the process of transportation of the raw materials from initial point (Germany) to the final destination (Abbott Point Port). The raw materials are required for the construction of a railway line and hence must reach the final destination in a timely manner. It is also important that the raw materials reach the international mining company in proper condition, thus minimizing any damages or risks in transit. Scope The report will outline the primary challenges faced in the supply chain management. It will also focus on details like port activities, inland details, sea freight details and various logistics activities. It will also discuss the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services Requirements in order to understand the issues in a better manner. The major deliverables of the project include the identification of the major issues in the process of logistics and strive to seek suitable solutions for it. Meaning of Supply Chain Management and Logistics The range of activities which deals with effective and efficient transfer of goods as well as services from the point of origin to the point of consumption is known as Supply Chain Management (Monczka et al. 2015). It involves the process of raw materials storage, inventory management and the movement of the goods from one place to the other. The process of logistics deal with the right products delivered in right quantity to the right customer at the right cost (Christopher 2016). The products must be delivered in right time and at the right place. The process of logistics usually deals with the transport activities of a single organization, however, the supply chain management, deals with the transport activities within a network of companies that work in a collaborative manner (Wisner Tan and Leong 2014). The integrated logistics deal with the customer service, production planning, purchasing, transport and the warehouse activities (Christopher 2016). Supply Chain Activities There are important supply chain activities that must be undertaken by the company for the purpose of successfully delivering the materials to the final destination. There are three broad logistics activities that can be carried out by the company- Inbound logistics, outbound logistics and Conversion operations (Christopher 2016). Some of the important activities are described below- Transportation- This concerns with the physical movement of the goods from origin point to the final destination (Christopher 2016). The raw materials such as locomotives, wagons and thermal that is required for the construction of the railway line. The transportation activity must be economic as well as responsive (Waters and Rinsler 2014). It should also analyze the probable options of risk and cost involved in the movement. Inventory Management- The process of managing the inventory is essential for balancing the supply and demand of the market (Fay and Xie 2014). The firm needs to handle increasing customer demands and manage the intricacies of supplier exchanges. Facility structure- There must be adequate storage facilities for the purpose of safely keeping the raw materials during transit (Bowersox 2013). It is important to gain knowledge regarding the various geographical locations in order to plan the facility structure (Christopher 2016). Materials handling- It is important to ensure proper movement, protection and control the raw materials so that they can be distributed to their final destination without any damage (Rushton Croucher and Baker 2014). It is important to perform functions such as resource allocation, forecasting and production planning (Christopher 2016). Information and communication- It is important to maintain proper communication with the clients during the transport of the raw materials (Stadtler 2015).This can be done by the efficient utilization of the technological advancements (Christopher 2016). Important logistics areas There are two important areas in the process of logistics management. They are discussed below- Transportation- It is important to focus on the transportation of the raw materials. There are several reasons for efficient transportation of freight. The specialty and the surplus is responsible for the purpose of trading. The trading enhances the specialty as well as aim for greater surplus options for the companies (Christopher 2016). The process of transportation is required from the process of delivery of the raw materials to the manufacturing process (Christopher 2016). The transportation accounts for one-third of the total logistics costs. It is one of the most important factors that influence the efficiency of the logistics process (Christopher 2016). The companies must aim for maintaining economic transportation facilities in order to control the expenditure of the company (Christopher 2016). The cost of the transportation should be controlled so that the company maintains high market share and the logistics costs can be kept under control (Jensen and Bergqvist 2013). The t ransportation costs consist of various expenses such as vehicles cost, cost of terminals, pallets, containers, time and labour (Christopher 2016). The logistics specialist must take into account the operation of transport system in the country so that the highest efficiency can be achieved. The process of transportation is an important step for the purpose of the conversation of the raw materials into finished goods (Eskandarpour et al. 2015). The complexity of the transportation is an important consideration in the total quality management. It acts as a bridge between the consumers and the producers (Christopher 2016). Materials handling- The Company must pay attention to the materials handling department of the logistics management. There are four dimensions in the materials handling job such as movement, time, quantity and space (Alanjari Razavialavi and AbouRizk 2014). This task requires the management of the raw materials from procurement to transport. It is important to increase the effective capacity of the logistics process and reduce the malfunctioning in the product handling process. The company must ensure that the raw materials are delivered to the clients using an excellent cost-effective carrier and at the right time (Rushton Croucher and Baker 2014). It should also be ensured that the products are not damaged in transit and it is important to maintain the optimum quality of the raw materials (Alanjari Razavialavi and AbouRizk 2014). There can be several factors such as premium freight, production shortage, inventory adjustments and others (Alanjari Razavialavi and AbouRizk 2014). Ther e can be issues with the materials handling managers such as incorrect material bills, shipping errors, production reporting errors, incorrect cycle counts and others (Alanjari Razavialavi and AbouRizk 2014). It is also important for timely release the products so that it can reach the clients in a timely manner. Challenges of Logistics There are a number of issues in the logistics operations that can be faced by the company. The challenges are described as below- Infrastructure- The Company often find it difficult to set up the infrastructure required for carrying out the transportation of the goods. There can be lack of transportation services in the specific area of the country where the logistics function needs to be operated (Fernie and Sparks 2014). There can be congestion issues in the roads and there may not be sufficient terminals for receiving the items. The lack of technological advancements may also pose severe problems for the logistics process (Fernie and Sparks 2014). On time delivery- There can be significant delays in the delivery process of the goods. There can be delay in the container pick up time and there may be cancellations in the pickup process (Mentzer 2015). There can be uncertain climatic conditions too that can delay the process of transportation (Fernie and Sparks 2014). Changing customer needs- The client may change its requirements regarding the raw materials (Fernie and Sparks 2014). There can be significant alterations in the customer preferences which may affect the logistics operations. Security- This is a major concern for the logistics specialists. The logistics process is an extended process that requires the involvement of the cargo operators, local truckers, local warehouse and others (Dekker Bloemhof and Mallidis 2012). This process often lacks the diligence of the stakeholders which results in severe logistics issues. Inland and Sea freight details The company should pay attention to the excellent transport of the commodities so that it reaches the final destination safely. The company should pay attention to the transportation of the goods through the sea containers (Davenport 2013). The company should focus on the logistics process through the utilization of sea port terminals. An alternative to the sea freight can be inland carrier (Talley 2014). This implies that the company must utilize carriers other than the ocean modes. These can be water, land or air, depending on the budget as well as convenience of the logistics company (Davenport 2013). There should be different considerations that should be considered such as cost, time, convenience, nature of goods and others (Davenport 2013). Port activities It is important to consider the important port activities that are an important part of the logistics process. There are many disparate activities in the port such as movement of the containers, movement of the ships, cargo management, custom activities, loading as well as unloading of the ships and others (Bichou Bell and Evans 2013). There are other important factors such as channels, anchorages, human resources, berths, tugs, warehouse and others (Bichou Bell and Evans 2013). The logistics specialist needs to gain knowledge regarding the efficient management of the port (Bichou Bell and Evans 2013). These include managing the resources as well as the flow of money. There should be combination of efficient cargo handling services and the reduction of the unit costs (Selinka Franz and Stolletz 2016). It is important to check the application of technology in the cargo handling services. An efficient cargo handling services should ensure minimum damages of the goods (Bichou Bell and E vans 2013). The logistics specialist should take into account the efficiency of the ports before dealing with them regarding the transport of the goods. Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services Requirements (AQIS) The Australian Government has formulated a strict security inspection and quarantine measures for the inward as well as outward movement of goods entering a particular state in Australia (Weng An and Hu 2015). The quarantine measure checks all the cargo entering the state for possible contamination by microorganisms (Weng An and Hu 2015). The AQIS is a government agency in Australia which is responsible for quarantine laws, on behalf of the Department of Agriculture ( 2016). This activity would minimize the threat of severe pests and protect the agriculture industry in Australia. The logistics specialist should consider the AQIS specifications so that there can be smooth functioning of the logistics process (Weng An and Hu 2015). Conclusion The logistics company should aim for finding a solution for the logistics challenges. It should try to maximize the transportation efficiency of the company. It should focus more on the creation of dedicated shipping partners which would make the transportation process hassle free. The company should ensure the timely delivery of the raw materials. The company should also focus on the security of the goods that are transported. The port activities and the sea freight details must be considered by the logistics specialist. The detailed processes in carrying out supply chain management as well as logistics function of the company are elaborated. This report would enable the CEO to understand the intricacies of the logistics function. This report is to be submitted during the planning phase of the supply chain management process that would give a clear picture to the senior management of the company. References Alanjari, P., Razavialavi, S. and AbouRizk, S., 2014. A simulation-based approach for material yard laydown planning.Automation in Construction,40, pp.1-8. (2016) [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Sep. 2016]. Bichou, K., Bell, M. and Evans, A., 2013.Risk management in port operations, logistics and supply chain security. CRC Press. Bowersox, D.J., 2013.Logistical excellence: it's not business as usual. Elsevier. Christopher, M., 2016.Logistics supply chain management. Pearson Higher Ed. Davenport, T.H., 2013.Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press. Dekker, R., Bloemhof, J. and Mallidis, I., 2012. 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